
Airport Service Workers Deserve Good Jobs

Raising pay and benefits for workers in federally supported airports will stabilize the air industry.

In this article
Photo shows a woman cleaning a moving walkway in an airport concourse.
A janitor cleans a moving walkway at Denver International Airport in November 2020. (Getty/Hyoung Chang/MediaNews Group/The Denver Post)

Introduction and summary

Airport service workers—including cleaners, wheelchair agents, baggage handlers, ticketing agents, caterers, concessions workers, passenger service agents, and lounge workers—are at a breaking point. Although they have provided essential services throughout the pandemic and are supporting the safe return to normalized travel, these workers are typically paid substandard wages and receive few benefits. Now, airport workers across the United States are calling on Congress to require major airports—which receive billions of dollars in federal support every year—to ensure that passenger air travel employers provide good jobs with the family-sustaining compensation necessary to maintain their health and well-being.1 Doing so would improve the lives of these essential workers; boost equity in a federally supported sector; and support safe and efficient airport services across the country.

U.S. airport workers face many of the same challenges plaguing Americans across the economy, such as growing inequality, occupational segregation, and inadequate compensation. However, for airport service workers, these problems are compounded by subsidized industry employers—including airlines, airports, and contractors—that have drastically cut wages and benefits in recent decades.2

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Today, median wages for many airport service workers, including cleaners, wheelchair agents, ticketing and check-in agents, and baggage handlers, fall below the private sector median of $20.40 per hour. For example, according to 2015–2019 American Community Survey data, the median earnings for aircraft cleaners are just $13.99 per hour.3 Much of the workforce does not receive employer-provided health coverage, and for those that do, the insurance is often unaffordable.

Moreover, these low wages have a disproportionate impact on people of color, who are highly represented in airport service occupations. The majority of workers in several service occupations are Black or Hispanic—or both—compared with 28.7 percent across the private sector workforce.4

See also

This report supports the case for raising standards for these workers by:

  • Providing new analysis on low pay and occupational segregation in the national aviation industry
  • Explaing how the federal government provides billions of dollars in funding for airports every year
  • Detailing state and local efforts to raise standards for essential airport service workers
  • Surveying existing evidence that raising standards for airport workers will improve their lives and result in good value for the public

Low industry wages and inadequate benefits do not harm only workers. Coupled with the tight labor market and high turnover, airline and airport employers are failing to maintain a well-qualified workforce, thereby harming the American public as well. Labor instability and inexperience in the industry are reducing airport safety and security and leading to travel slowdowns.5

Airport and airline service workers are relied on to be part of the response to emergencies such as extreme weather, active shooter situations, and terrorist attacks.6 And although air industry employers have received billions of dollars in pandemic assistance to cover payroll costs, in recent months many passengers have missed flights and been left without critical assistance due to the failure of airlines to retain enough wheelchair attendants.7

A better way forward is possible. For nearly a century, federal policymakers have enacted standards to ensure that recipients of government spending pay fair wages, provide benefits, and support equitable access for workers from all walks of life.8 In 2021, President Joe Biden increased the contractor minimum wage to $15 per hour—indexed to inflation, this rate rose to $16.20 in 2023—strengthened job security for contracted service workers, and called on all government agencies to review their procurement practices to support equity for all workers performing government services.9

However, the patchwork of protections for workers whose jobs are funded through government support is uneven. While workers in jobs funded through the federal contracting system enjoy numerous protections, these policies do not apply to service jobs performed on properties receiving federal grants, loans, loan guarantees, and other federally enabled spending programs. As a result, federal law leaves airport service workers unprotected. For example, the Center for American Progress’ analysis found that the majority of workers employed nationwide as aircraft cleaners, as well as more than one-third of baggage handlers and ticketing agents, earn hourly wages below the 2023 contractor minimum wage.

In the absence of federal action, cities and states are fighting to raise standards for airport workers. For example, wheelchair attendants and baggage handlers at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport are paid a minimum of $18.00 per hour and receive benefits.10 And in March 2022, the City Council of Atlanta helped airport cleaners at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport win a more than decadelong fight for wage increases.11

Yet in other jurisdictions across the United States, the lack of consistency across federally subsidized airports harms workers. Major hubs, such as Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Charlotte, North Carolina, have no airport-specific pay standards for most airport service workers.12 Even across jurisdictions that have enacted airport worker standards, minimim pay standards vary considerably, and most communities have not taken action to require provision of health care and other essential benefits.

In summer 2022, Sen. Edward Markey (D-MA) and Rep. Chuy García (D-IL) introduced the Good Jobs for Good Airports Act to establish pay, benefits, and labor standards for airport service workers—including cleaners, wheelchair agents, baggage handlers, concessionaires, and security personnel.13

Strong, federally mandated floors would help uphold equity and fair standards across the country; ensure that the government stands by its commitment to not subsidize poverty wages; and increase safety and efficiency across the national aviation system by supporting a well-qualified workforce.

Low wages and poor benefits in the airport industry

Hundreds of thousands of Americans work in the air transportation industry, supporting efficient and secure travel across the national air system.14 While state and local policymakers in some jurisdictions have responded to worker advocacy by enacting airport living wage laws, these standards vary considerably and far too many workers struggle at the very bottom. Airport service workers, who in many roles are disproportionately people of color when compared with the private sector, struggle to win job improvements from their employers—whether they are employed by airports, airlines, or contractors. Analysis of American Community Survey data from 2015 to 2019 shows that service workers employed at airports labor for low wages and few benefits.

Airport service employers pay low wages

Figure 1 details the estimated median earnings per hour for workers in a range of airport and other transit service occupations. These data show that workers in service occupations employed at airports earn far below typical private sector earnings: Aircraft cleaners, for example, earn a median wage of just $13.99 per hour, and median earnings across all occupations fall below the private sector median of $20.40.

Figure 1

Moreover, existing wages fall far short of producing a livable income in even affordable U.S. cities. For example, in Jackson, Mississippi, a worker would need to earn $30.28 per hour in order to support themself and a child, according to living wage estimates developed by Amy Glasmeier at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.15 A similarly situated worker in Tulsa, Oklahoma, would have to earn $30.89 per hour. Yet, there is no airport-specific wage and benefits standard covering most all airport service workers in these jurisdictions.

Where possible, this analysis restricted earnings data to cover workers employed solely at airports. However, due to data limitations, classifications of ticketing and check-in agents include workers employed in other kinds of transit facilities. While this report excluded data on other service occupations at airports—including janitors and building cleaners as well as concessions and retail services worker job classifications—because they include all private sector workers in these occupational categories, analysis shows that these workers also earn low wages. Nationwide, janitors earn a median hourly income of only $11.96, with security guards earning $13.28 per hour and concessions and retail workers earning a median of just $8.97. (See Methodology for more details on the analysis.)

Too many airport service workers lack health insurance through their jobs

The compensation gap also extends to health insurance plans. Research demonstrates that health insurance coverage helps Americans maintain good health.16 Conversely, lack of insurance among adults inhibits access to critical preventative services for conditions such as diabetes and cancer, while uninsured children are less likely to receive asthma treatment, immunizations, and dental care.17

Yet, as shown in Figure 2, significant portions of workers in several service occupations with airport workforces lack access to health insurance provided by an employer or labor union, and across airport job classifications large numbers of workers do not have these health insurance plans.

Figure 2

Even when workers do qualify for employer-provided health insurance, many find insurance premiums unaffordable.18 On average, employers with a larger share of low-wage workers—defined as 35 percent earning less than $30,000 annually—contribute 9 percent less toward premiums for a single person and 11 percent less toward premiums for family coverage than those with fewer low-wage workers.19

Low airport service wages contribute to unequal earnings for workers of color

Poor compensation across the sector has a disproportionate impact on workers of color. A majority of workers in many airport service occupations, including baggage handlers, passenger attendants, and aircraft cleaners, identify as Black or Hispanic—or both—compared with 28.7 percent of workers across the private sector workforce.

A majority of workers in many airport service occupations, including baggage handlers, passenger attendants, and aircraft cleaners, identify as Black or Hispanic—or both—compared with 28.7 percent of workers across the private sector workforce.

Research shows that workers of color are underrepresented in high-wage occupations and overrepresented in low-wage service jobs, even after accounting for educational attainment levels.20 As a result, raising standards for airport service workers will help correct long-standing racial pay disparities.

Figure 3

Additional findings on working conditions for airport service workers

Only a handful of studies and surveys of individual airports have focused on the wages and benefits of airport service workers. Yet, these workers have reported similarly poor working conditions. For example, according to a 2017 Economic Roundtable report, nearly half of airport service workers earned less than $15 during the 2010–2014 study period, and 37 percent of all air transportation workers were rent-burdened—paying more than 30 percent of their household income to rent.21

In addition, as part of successful campaigns to raise airport worker wages, UNITE HERE local unions conducted surveys of concessions employees at both the Dulles and Baltimore-Washington International Airports and found that, prior to winning compensation increases, retail and food service workers earned as little as $9.74 per hour at Dulles when surveyed in 2015 and $8.50 per hour at Baltimore-Washington in 2014.22 Similarly, an analysis of the impact of a living wage law on many service workers at the San Francisco International Airport in 2001 noted the very low wages earned by many airport service workers.23

Not only do available data show that earnings are low for airport service workers, research has also found that wages for air travel service workers have fallen significantly in recent decades. The average hourly real wage for baggage porters and bellhops declined by 45 percent from 2002 to 2012, while wages for vehicle cleaners and transportation attendants fell by 25 percent and 13 percent respectively, according to a 2013 study from the Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) and Simon Fraser University.24

While this decline in sector wages coincides with a significant increase in the contracting out of airport service work, it is important to note that the UC Berkeley and Simon Fraser University researchers found that wages have fallen across both direct employees and outsourced airport service workers.

Large proportions of airport services workers earn hourly wages below the 2023 contractor minimum wage

Strong federal prevailing wage protections can help level the playing field among all industry actors by applying wage and benefits standards to workers employed in facilities and projects that benefit from government spending—regardless of whether they are direct employees or subcontracted workers. Indeed, even when work is contracted out, major airlines and airports ultimately exercise significant control over industry pricing structures, and they could factor decent wages and benefits for airport service workers into their overall cost and revenue structures.

Even the lowest-paid service workers covered by federal contracting protections will typically be entitled to a minimum pay standard—which is currently $16.20 per hour—health and welfare benefits or a cash equivalent, and paid time off typically including federal holidays and vacation leave as well as seven days of paid sick leave annually.25 Furthermore, service workers employed directly on federal contracts can earn even higher minimum wages due to the prevailing wage protections of the Service Contract Act (SCA) of 1965.26

Yet, until the Good Jobs for Good Airports Act passes, these protections do not apply to airport workers, despite the federal government spending billions of dollars every year to support the national aviation system. Large proportions of airport services workers—and a majority of workers employed as aircraft cleaners—earn hourly wages below the 2023 contractor minimum wage. (see Figure 4)

Even relatively higher-pay airport service occupations will benefit from strong standards. According to CAP’s analysis, while median pay for ticketing agents was $17.44 per hour, more than one-third of ticketing agents earned wages below the current federal contractor minimum wage, and regional carriers often paid significantly lower wages.27 Because the Good Jobs for Good Airports Act includes both a minimum and prevailing wage requirement, the legislation would help uphold consistent industry norms.

Figure 4

To overcome this race to the bottom and respond to airport workers who are mobilizing for fair work conditions and unions, many cities and states are enacting policies to raise pay and benefits for airport service workers.

Airports receive billions of dollars in government support

For the better part of the past century, the U.S. government has played a major role in supporting airports. In the lead up to the country’s entrance into World War II, the federal government scaled up national funding to construct and repair airfields that would support the national defense.28 Following the war, federal spending continued—first to convert military airports to be used for civilian purposes, and then to expand airports to prevent congestion and keep up with growing consumer demand. Today, passenger air travel is essential to the U.S. transportation system. Every year, the federal government spends billions of dollars to expand and maintain U.S. airports.

According to a 2020 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), U.S. airports received an average of $3.2 billion annually from 2013 to 2017 in federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants for the construction of improvements related to aircraft operations, such as runway expansions and upgrades.29 While smaller airports received relatively more AIP funding than large and medium hub airports, approximately 3,300 airports that are part of the national airport system are eligible to receive these funds.

$3.2 billion

Average annual funding amount airports received in Airport Improvement Program grants, 2013–2017

$3.1 billion

Average annual amount of federally authorized passenger-facility charges, 2013–2017

$54 billion

Funding allocated to airlines through the CARES Act

$8 billion

Funding allocated to airports by the American Rescue Plan for operations, personnel, cleaning, and rent relief

In addition, the federal government authorized airports to collect from passengers another $3.1 billion, on average, annually over the same period of time through passenger-facility charges (PFCs).30 PFCs, a per-passenger fee charged by the airport where travel is initiated, are primarily levied by medium and large hub airports to finance eligible infrastructure projects and service debt incurred to carry out these projects.31

Average annual revenues from AIP grants and PFCs accounted for more than 40 percent of total infrastructure development funds collected during the GAO review period.32 While airports also use private revenues—for example, from concessions and fees charged to airlines to land at their facilities and use terminal space—without federal support, major airports would likely increase landing fees or rely more heavily on debt financing.

The federal government’s response to the pandemic illustrates how reliant the national airport system is on federal support. Air travel declined by approximately 60 percent in 2020 compared with the previous year, due to the COVID-19 crisis.33 In order to prevent this decline from devastating the national airport system, Congress allotted the aviation industry billions in support through laws such as the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriation Act of 2020, American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, and Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.34

The laws both expanded federal support for infrastructure and included direct support for airport concessions and payroll assistance covering airline employees and contract workers in order to protect jobs; ensure that essential traveled continued; and support the industry’s long term stability.35 For example, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provided $54 billion in funding to major U.S. airlines through the CARES Act Payroll Support Program, and the ARP supported $8 billion for operations, personnel, cleaning, and rent relief for concessionaires.

Notably, Congress supported workforce stability by requiring recipients of CARES Act assistance to refrain from furloughing or laying off workers or cutting pay and benefits. However, in December 2021, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation conducted an oversight hearing with executive leadership from the major airlines questioning whether recipients abided by these requirements, citing high levels of flight cancellations and delays caused by ongoing labor shortages post-pandemic.36

The 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law includes $25 billion to improve airport safety and capacity and modernize traffic control, and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides tax credits to expand the use of sustainable jet fuel worth up to $1.75 per gallon.

Finally, airports are a focus of the Biden administration’s economic and climate change agenda. For example, the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law includes $25 billion to improve airport safety and capacity and modernize traffic control, and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides tax credits to expand the use of sustainable jet fuel worth up to $1.75 per gallon.37

In total, these investments result in hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for a large hub airport in a single year. For example, Charlotte Douglas International Airport received nearly $123 million in grants in fiscal year 2021 and collected another $46 million in PFCs, compared with the $60 million the airport collected in passenger landing fees, terminal arrival fees, rents, and utilities.38

Yet, despite the industry’s dependence on federal support, the government does little to ensure that the national air system provides decent work.

Upholding higher standards on government spending

Nothing is preventing the federal government from adopting protections to ensure that the national aviation industry creates good jobs for service workers. In fact, more than 1 million service workers employed through direct federal contracts are covered under a series of laws and regulations to ensure that they are paid fair wages and benefits, are treated fairly on the job, and are not harassed or discriminated against.39

Congress enacted the Service Contract Act in 1965 at the height of the civil rights movement to set labor standards for federally contracted service workers. The SCA sets the basic hourly rate of wages and benefits paid to a number of similarly employed service workers in a given geography—and thereby helps ensure that government dollars uphold local wage and benefit standards, including collectively bargained wage rates; support good jobs; and provide good value to taxpayers.40

Even at the time of passage, the law was long overdue and supported pay equity across government spending. Federally subsidized construction work included prevailing wage protections to ensure that workers in the construction industry were paid market wages and benefits following the Great Depression.41

Democratic and Republican lawmakers who supported the act recognized that workers of color employed on federal contracts disproportionately labored in service industries that paid poverty wages. For example, one Republican co-sponsor argued:

If ever we had a group of employees in this country who deserve the aid of the Federal Government in improving their wages and working conditions, it is the large and growing group of service employees, many of them members of minority races, who furnish such important services to the Nation.42

Also in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed executive order 11246 to ban discrimination among contractors on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin.43

Over the years, these protections have been bolstered to ensure that workers are paid fair wages and benefits and to protect more workers from workplace discrimination. For example, President Barack Obama used his executive authority to create a contractor minimum wage and extend anti-discrimination protections to LGBTQ Americans working for federal contractors. Moreover, President Biden improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of underpaid contract workers by raising the contractor minimum wage to $15 per hour with annual adjustments for inflation.

Yet, the protections of the SCA and contract worker minimum wage only apply to jobs directly funded through the federal contracting system. This leaves millions of American workers whose jobs are funded through other sorts of government funding or federally enabled spending—such as grants, tax incentives, loans, and loan guarantees—without protection. For example, in fiscal year 2021, the government spent $637 billion on federal contracts, $1.4 trillion in grants, and $275 billion in loans.44

In contrast, Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage standards for construction workers have been extended to grants, loans, and loan guarantees on numerous occasions through a series of Davis-Bacon Related Acts. For example, Airport Improvement Program grants include prevailing wage protections for construction workers working on airport infrastructure improvements, and the overwhelming majority of funds included in the bipartisan infrastructure law are covered by prevailing wage protections for construction.45

Similarly, anti-discrimination and affirmative action protections for recipients of government funds cover all employees of a firm that receive federal contracts—not just those working directly on a contract. As a result, these protections cover roughly 1 in 5 American workers.46

Because these federal standards have not been extended to airport service workers, cities and states are increasingly enacting laws to raise their wages for airport service workers. For example, the first major win of the Fight for $15 movement was a 2013 voter referendum in SeaTac, Washington—a Seattle-area suburb developed around the Seattle-Tacoma International (Sea-Tac) Airport—that phased in a $15 minimum wage at the airport and surrounding community.47

The first major win of the Fight for $15 movement was a 2013 voter referendum in SeaTac, Washington, that phased in a $15 minimum wage at the airport and surrounding community.

More recently, the New York and New Jersey state legislatures have enacted “Healthy Terminals Acts” establishing a health benefit supplement that cover service workers at airports in order to improve worker well-being, retention of experienced staff, and airport service and security.48 While not identical, both laws protect service workers employed by contractors of covered airports, airlines landing at the facilities, and concessions leaseholders; establish a benefits supplement set to $4.54 per hour in New York and the SCA-enumerated rate in New Jersey, which is currently $4.80 per hour; codify wage standards previously established by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; and create penalties for airport employers that violate the standard.49

Similarly, cities in California have enacted strong job quality standards for airport workers. For example, San Francisco requires airport employers to provide health care coverage for service workers and their families at no cost, 50 and the Los Angeles standard includes protections to ensure that workers can keep their jobs when a service contract changes hands.51

More than a dozen other communities, including Washington, D.C.; St. Louis; Oakland and San Jose, California; Orlando and Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Denver; Philadelphia; Boston; and Houston, have enacted airport wage standards.52

Even more politically constrained jurisdictions have helped win reforms for airport workers by supporting their efforts to bargain for decent wages and benefits through unions. Cleaning staff at the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta won a 13-year fight for better wages last spring after the city council enacted a resolution urging airport contractors to raise wages for cleaners to $15.00 per hour.53 As recently as March 2022, cleaners at the airport reported earnings of as little as $8.50 per hour.54 The new collective bargaining agreement will result in a 41 percent increase in starting pay, pay differentials that would increase hourly rates up to $15.00 per hour, and enhanced leave benefits.55

Despite state and local advocacy, there is little consistency in work standards across federally subsidized airports. As discussed above, action varies from policies that mandate wage and benefit standards to policymakers using the bully pulpit to push airport employers to bargain with workers fighting for fair wages and benefits. Worse still, some major hubs, such as Charlotte Douglas International Airport, have no airport-specific standards for the vast majority of service workers.56

A federal wage standard for airport workers would help create consistency across the sector and ensure that federal spending does not undercut workers’ collective wins, thereby helping guarantee that experienced airport workers are able to support industry safety and efficiency.

Airport job quality standards improve the lives of workers and support good value for the public

Wage standard laws help improve the lives of working people; increase worker tenure and productivity levels; improve the ability of firms that respect their workers to compete; and ensure that the public receives good value for its investment.

For example, research shows that prevailing wage standards help workers earn middle-class incomes; expand health and retirement coverage; and, even in lower-paying service occupations, can support compensation rates well above legislated minimums.57 These laws also help close racial wage gaps and ensure that government spending does not erode standards in the service sector, where many jobs are held by Black and Latino workers.58 Boosting minimum wages is especially important for workers of color, who are significantly more likely to be paid poverty-level wages than white workers.59

Indeed, new research from the Illinois Economic Policy Institute and the University of Illinois finds that the enactment of state-level wage standards for janitorial workers and custodians boosts wages and health insurance coverage while reducing racial pay gaps.60

While airport wage standards are little studied, one notable study of San Francisco International Airport’s wage standard showed that the policy produced good outcomes for workers and the public alike.61 After the wage standard was implemented, wages rose for all covered customer service employees, ramp agents, cabin cleaning workers, fuelers, and security screeners by 22 percent, and by 33 percent for entry-level positions.

After San Francisco International Airport adopted a wage standard, annual turnover rates fell significantly: Among security screeners, turnover fell from nearly 95 percent to 19 percent. Turnover reductions saved employers about $4,275 per employee replaced in re-staffing costs.

In addition, annual turnover rates fell significantly: Among security screeners, turnover fell from nearly 95 percent to 19 percent. Turnover reductions saved employers about $4,275 per employee replaced in re-staffing costs.62 Employers also reported that the standard helped improve indicators of security as well as work performance and customer service, and it increased morale.

Conversely, the Port of Seattle conducted a study on airport service workers’ impact on safety and security at the Sea-Tac airport in 2014—prior to the adoption of its minimum wage standard—finding that low wages, poor benefits, and other job quality factors were primary drivers of high turnover rates, with some employers experiencing a turnover rate of 80 percent per year.63 As a result, the report concluded that many employees “lack[ed] mastery of their jobs, which can affect safety, security, efficiency and timeliness and customer service” and that “newer workers are almost twice as likely to be cited for security violations as more experienced workers.”64

Prior to adopting an airport minimum wage, low wages, poor benefits, and other job quality factors were primary drivers of high turnover rates at the Sea-Tac airport, with some employers experiencing a turnover rate of 80 percent per year.

Similarly, a review of state and local contracting practices by the National Employment Law Project found that the adoption of wage standards often decreases employee turnover, which leads to savings in re-staffing costs, a more productive workforce, and improvements to the quality of service provided to the public—thereby helping to offset the cost of such a standard.65

Moreover, when workers are poorly compensated, the public often bears hidden costs by providing services to supplement workers’ incomes, such as subsidized health insurance, housing and nutrition assistance, Medicaid, and earned income tax credits.66 One 2017 study found that among airport service workers, 29 percent received Medicaid and 18 percent received food stamps to supplement poverty wages paid by employers.67

While the problem of high turnover in the airport industry has received new focus during the pandemic recovery period, a 2017 report from the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education and San Fransisco International Airport documents how the long-standing problem has harmed aviation safety.68

When workers are poorly compensated, the public often bears hidden costs by providing services to supplement workers’ incomes, such as subsidized health insurance, housing and nutrition assistance, Medicaid, and earned income tax credits.

In 2000, a Government Accountability Office study found that low wages and resulting high turnover rates among security screeners led to poor performance in detecting dangers and cited a 1979 Federal Aviation Administration-industry task force that had come to similar conclusions.69 Similarly, a 2007 GAO report found that low wages and high turnover among ramp and fuel workers contributed to ongoing problems with ramp accidents and aircraft entering runways without permission.70

Finally, evidence suggests that implementing prevailing wage standards also helps level the playing field for high-road companies that pay decent wages and invest in their workers and thereby encourage more companies to compete. Indeed, without strong standards, companies that pay good wages and provide decent benefits are frequently forced to compete against low-road contractors that undercut the market. For example, after Maryland implemented a contractor wage standard, the average number of bids per contract increased by 27 percent.71 Almost half of companies interviewed said they were encouraged to bid because the standard leveled the playing field.


Airport service workers across the country are winning respect on the job through state and local wage standards. These policies have improved the lives of airport cleaners, wheelchair agents, baggage handlers, concessionaires, and security workers, among others. Yet today there is an uneven patchwork of standards for these workers across the United States. While some workers have won wage and benefits standards and job stability protections, this analysis shows that too many of these jobs pay poverty wages. This harms the people of color who disproportionately work in these jobs and reduces airport efficiency and security, as airports struggle to attract workers.

By attaching job quality standards to the billions of dollars the federal government spends every year on airports, policymakers can help ensure that all airport service workers are fairly compensated; increase aviation workforce stability and experience levels; and thereby promote efficiency and safety in the system.


For this analysis, the authors relied on data from the 2015 through 2019 five-year sample of the American Community Survey (ACS) conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau and published by IPUMS USA.72 This survey offers earnings, hours, job classification, and demographic data on workers representative of the U.S. population.

The ACS classifies a worker’s occupation and industry using codes developed by the Census Bureau.73 Occupation and industry classifications are restricted where possible to include only workers in the air travel industry; however, ticketing and check-in agents are coded in a manner that makes it impossible to discern whether a given respondent works at an airport or another kind of transit facility.

Large workforces of other service workers—including janitors and building cleaners, security guards, and workers at retail or concessions inside an airport terminal—also work in airports but were omitted from this analysis. Industry classifications for these workers are only as specific as the entire private sector workforce, meaning that the authors could only analyze earnings and demographic data at the private sector level for workers in these occupations.

Despite this limitation, an analysis of the available data shows that these workers earn low wages across the private sector—for example, janitors earn a median income per hour of only $11.96 nationwide, with median earnings as low as $8.97 for concessions and retail workers and $13.28 for security guards. These workers also frequently lack health insurance coverage, with up to 60.6 percent of concessions and retail service workers, 60 percent of janitors, and 47.8 percent of security guards in the analyzed sample lacking health insurance coverage through an employer or union. Furthermore, Black or Hispanic workers make up a majority of each of these workforces, meaning these low wages disproportionately affect people of color.

For this analysis, the private sector workforce includes all respondents who reported working 50 to 52 weeks the previous year in any industry classification except public administration (Census Bureau codes 9370 through 9590) or the military (codes 9670 through 9870).

Survey waves used in the 2019 ACS five-year sample do not always specify the exact number of weeks a respondent worked during a previous year; instead, they most often report whether a respondent’s weeks worked fell within a given range—one to 13 weeks, 14 to 26 weeks, and so on. The analysis was restricted to workers who worked 50 to 52 weeks in the previous year, and it assumed that these workers worked the full 52 weeks when estimating hourly wage rate, as this was most common response in that range for survey waves in which data on the exact number of weeks worked were available.

Weeks worked may also be estimated by assuming a worker in a given range worked the average, or midpoint, number of weeks in that range—for instance, 51 weeks for respondents in the 50 to 52 week range—which has the advantage of enabling inclusion of all workers in the sample, not just those who worked the full year. This approach, however, is also more likely to include seasonal workers or workers who experienced job transitions. Moreover, workers in wider week ranges may have worked different numbers of weeks than the average. The authors found that using this approach did not dramatically alter the estimated wages, and restricting to a full year of work did not exclude a large proportion of workers from the sample.

The authors estimated wage income from the respondents’ estimate of weeks worked, usual hours worked per week, and annual wage and salary income for the previous year. Hours worked in the previous year were therefore estimated as the product of 52 weeks and the number of hours worked in a typical week, with wages estimated by dividing total wage and salary income for the previous year by this estimate of hours worked in the previous year.

Income data are adjusted for inflation using annual averages of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (CPI-U).74 The 2023 contractor minimum wage of $16.20 per hour was adjusted to 2019 dollars using the CPI-U inflation index for the first half of 2022, the most recent average available at the time of the analysis.

The ACS asks a question for respondents to describe whether they are of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, with a second question that lacks these options prompting a respondent to indicate their race. For this analysis, the authors refer to a respondent as Hispanic or Latino if they stated that they are of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin in the former question, and as Black or African American if they answered that they are Black or African American in the latter. Because these questions are separate, they are not mutually exclusive, meaning some respondents describe themselves as both Black or African American and of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.


  1. Passenger air travel employers include airports and passenger airlines, as well as firms with contracts and leases to provide onsite services and concessions. U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Airport Infrastructure: Information on Funding and Financing for Planned Projects” (Washington: 2020), available at; Rebecca Kanable, “Airport Workers Say Federal Funding Should Come with Wage and Benefit Assurances, Some in Congress Agree,” Aviation Pros, October 7, 2021, available at; Michael Sainato, “Airport workers ramp up pressure for a living wage and union rights,” The Guardian, April 8, 2022, available at; Good Jobs for Good Airports Act of 2022, S. 4419, 117th Cong., 2nd sess. (June 16, 2022), available at
  2. Miranda Dietz, Peter Hall, and Ken Jacobs, “Course Correction: Reversing Wage Erosion to Restore Good Jobs at American Airports” (Berkeley, CA: UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education, 2013), available at; Brian Callaci, “Fissuring in Flight: Consolidation and Outsourcing in the US Domestic Airline Industry, 1997-2018” (Washington: Communications Workers of America, 2020), available at
  3. This analysis covers workers who reported working 50 to 52 weeks the preceding year within survey waves from 2015 to 2019. For more details, see Methodology.
  4. A majority of baggage handlers, passenger attendants, and aircraft cleaners analyzed in this sample identified as either Black or African American or Hispanic or Latino, or both, based on the authors’ calculations using data from Steven Ruggles and others, “Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, Version 12.0, U.S. Census Data for Social, Economic, and Health Research, 2015–2019 American Community Survey: 5-year estimates” (Minneapolis: Minnesota Population Center, 2022), available at
  5. Ian Duncan, “TSA asks office staff for help, offers bonuses and mandates overtime to keep airport checkpoints moving,” The Washington Post, June 9, 2021, available at; Robert Silk, “Groundworker shortage a problem for airlines,” Travel Weekly, September 4, 2021, available at
  6. California Assembly Select Committee on Local Emergency Preparedness, “Active Shooter Emergency Response: Lessons Learned from the LAX Shooting” (Sacramento, CA: 2014), available at
  7. See, for example, Nate Morabito, “3 women abandoned by airline wheelchair workers at CLT Airport,” WCNC Charlotte, June 9, 2022, available at
  8. Karla Walter, “Ensuring Government Spending Creates Decent Jobs for Workers” (Washington: Center for American Progress Action Fund, 2018), available at
  9. The White House, “Executive Order on Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors,” April 27, 2021, available at; The White House, “Executive Order on Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts,” November 18, 2021, available at; The White House, “Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government,” January 20, 2021, available at
  10. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, “Amended Rules for Implementation of Minimum Wage Policy for Non-Trade Labor Service Contracts—LaGuardia Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport,” October 15, 2018, available at
  11. Steve Gehlbach, “Atlanta airport cleaners to get raises after 13-year battle over minimum wage,” WSB-TV, March 31, 2022, available at
  12. See, for example, South Charlotte Weekly, “Charlotte airport workers protest for better wages and benefits,” December 9, 2022, available at
  13. Good Jobs for Good Airports Act of 2022; Sen. Edward Markey, “Senator Markey and Rep. García Introduce Legislation To Boost Pay, Benefits For Nation’s Airport Workers,” Press release, June 16, 2022, available at
  14. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “May 2021 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates: NAICS 481000 – Air Transportation,” available at (last accessed July 2022).
  15. Glasmeier’s calculations take into account typical expenses for food, child care, medical costs, housing, transportation, other basic needs, and taxes. See Amy K. Glasmeier, “Living Wage Calculator,” available at (last accessed November 2022).
  16. Abigail R. Barker and Linda Li, “The cumulative impact of health insurance on health status,” Health Services Research 55 (2) (2020): 815–822, available at
  17. Melissa Majerol, Vann Newkirk, and Rachel Garfield, “The Uninsured: A Primer” (Menlo Park, CA: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2015), available at; Institute of Medicine Committee on Health Insurance Status and Its Consequences, America’s Uninsured Crisis: Consequences for Health and Health Care (Washington: National Academies Press, 2009), available at; J. Z. Ayanian and others, “Unmet health needs of uninsured adults in the United States,” JAMA 284 (16) (2000): 2061–2069, available at
  18. Sam Hughes, Emily Gee, and Nicole Rapfogel, “Health Insurance Costs Are Squeezing Workers and Employers” (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2022), available at
  19. Gary Claxton and others, “Employer Health Benefits: 2022 Annual Survey” (San Francisco: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2022), available at
  20. See, for example, Darrick Hamilton, Algernon Austin, and William Darrity Jr., “Whiter Jobs, Higher Wages: Occupational segregation and the lower wages of black men” (Washington: Economic Policy Institute, 2011), available at; Madison Matthews and Valerie Wilson, “Separate is still unequal: How patterns of occupational segregation impact pay for black women,” Economic Policy Institute, August 6, 2018, available at
  21. Patrick Burns, Halil Toros, and Daniel Flaming, “Flying Right: Giving U.S. Aiport Workers a Lift” (Los Angeles: Economic Roundtable, 2017), available at
  22. Adam Yalowitz, “Left Behind at the D.C. Airports” (Washington: UNITE HERE Local 23, 2015), available at; UNITE HERE Local 7, “A Missed Opportunity: How the BWI Airport concessions program fails Baltimore’s African-American community” (Baltimore: 2014), available at; Lori Aratani, “Dulles and National airport workers win their ‘Fight for $15,’” The Washington Post, December 18, 2019, available at; WMAR staff, “Thousands of BWI contracted workers to receive hourly pay raises,” WMAR Baltimore, June 1, 2021, available at
  23. Michael Reich, Peter Hall, and Ken Jacobs, “Living Wages and Economic Performance: The San Francisco Airport Model” (Berkeley, CA: UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education, 2003), available at
  24. Dietz, Hall, and Jacobs, “Course Correction: Reversing Wage Erosion to Restore Good Jobs at American Airports.”
  25. This includes coverage under the Service Contract Act, executive order (EO) 13706, “Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors,” and EO 14026, “Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors.” In 2022, the prevailing health and welfare fringe benefits issued under the Service Contract Act increased to a rate of $4.80 per hour. The health and benefits rate for contract employers who were also required to comply with EO 13706 was set at $4.41 per hour. See Service Contract Act of 1965, as Amended, Public Law 89-286, 89th Cong., 1st sess. (October 22, 1965), available at; Jessica Looman, “All Agency Memorandum Number 239,” U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division, June 23, 2022, available at; U.S. Department of Labor, “Executive Order 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors,” available at (last accessed November 2022); The White House, “Executive Order on Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors.”
  26. Service Contract Act of 1965.
  27. See Callaci, “Fissuring in Flight: Consolidation and Outsourcing in the US Domestic Airline Industry, 1997-2018.”
  28. Congressional Research Service, “Financing Airport Improvements” (Washington: 2019), available at; U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission, “Government Funding of Airports,” available at (last accessed July 2022); Janet R. Daly Bednarek, America’s Airpoirts: Airfield Development, 1919–1947 (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2001), available at
  29. U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Airport Infrastructure: Information on Funding and Financing for Planned Projects.”
  30. Ibid.
  31. Additionally, passenger-facility charges can be assessed at connecting airports, with a maximum of two PFCs charged on a one-way trip or four PFCs on a round trip.
  32. U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Airport Infrastructure: Information on Funding and Financing for Planned Projects.” Airports received an average of about $15 billion annually for infrastructure development during the study period, including $7.7 billion annually from airport-generated revenue. Note that only a portion of airport revenues is dedicated to infrastructure improvements. For example, the report cited above finds that airports generated $103 billion in revenue from 2013 to 2017.
  33. International Air Transport Association, “Airline Industry Statistics Confirm 2020 Was Worst Year on Record,” Press release, August, 3, 2021, available at See also: U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, “Full Year 2020 and December 2020 U.S. Airline Traffic Data,” March 11, 2021, available at
  34. U.S. Department of the Treasury, “Airline and National Security Relief Programs,” available at (last accessed July 2022); Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriation Act of 2020, Public Law 116-123, 116th Cong., 2nd sess. (March 6, 2020), available at; Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, Public Law 116-260, 116th Cong., 2nd sess. (December 27, 2020), available at; American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, 117th Cong., 1st sess. (March 11, 2021), available at
  35. Federal Aviation Administration, “Airport Rescue Grants,” available at (last accessed July 2022); U.S. Government Accountability Office, “COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Observations on Efforts toward and Factors Affecting the Aviation Industry’s Recovery” (Washington: 2021), available at
  36. Congressional Research Service, “CARES Act Payroll Support to Air Carriers and Contractors,” October 22, 2020, available at (last accessed February 2023); U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, “Oversight of the U.S. Airline Industry,” Press release, December 15, 2021, available at; David Shepardson, “Senator asks airlines about worker shortages after billions in U.S. bailouts,” Reuters, July 16, 2021, available at
  37. Congressional Research Service, “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Airport Funding,” February 24, 2022, available at; Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Public Law 117-169, 117th Cong., 1st sess. (August 16, 2022), pp. 314, 491–492, 576–577, available at; Congressional Research Service, “Tax Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (H.R. 5376)” (Washington), available at (last accessed January 2023).
  38. The authors accessed the fiscal year 2021 operating and financial summary report 127 for Charlotte Douglas International Airport through Federal Aviation Administration, “(CATS) View Reports and Spreadsheets,” available at (last accessed December 2022). In addition to Airport Improvement Program and other federal grants received in 2021, this category includes state and local grants.
  39. While the federal government does not publish data on the total number of Service Contract Act-covered workers, in draft regulations from 2023 that create a new job stability standard for service contract workers, the U.S. Department of Labor estimated that the order will cover 1.4 million workers. In 1995, the Wage and Hour Division’s administrator, Maria Echaveste, testified before Congress that the SCA protected “roughly a million workers a year.” See U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division, “Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts,” Federal Register 87 (135) (2022): 42552–42596, available at; U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Service Contract Act: Wage Determination Process Could Benefit from Greater Transparency, and Better Use of Violation Data Could Improve Enforcement” (Washington: 2005), available at
  40. Service Contract Act of 1965.
  41. U.S. Department of Transportation Wage and Hour Division, “The Davis-Bacon Act, as Amended,” available at (last accessed January 2023).
  42. U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor, “Service Contracts Act of 1963: Hearings Before the Special Subcommittee on Labor of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives: Eighty-eighth Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 1678 and H.R. 6088” (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964), p. 74, available at,+House+of+Representatives,+88th+Cong.,+2nd+sess.,+on+H.R.+1678+and+H.
  43. Lyndon B. Johnson, “Executive Order 11246—Equal Employment Opportunity,” The American Presidency Project, September 24, 1965, available at
  44. According to authors’ advanced search of by award type. In addition, a 2013 report by Demos reviewed several categories of federal spending that funded work that paid poverty wages. Overall, the report found nearly 2 million federally subsidized poverty wage jobs. 560,000 jobs were funded through the federal contracting system, while the rest were funded through Small Business Administration lending, Medicare and Medicaid programs, Children’s Health Insurance spending, Public Buildings Service property leases, and federal infrastructure funds. See, “Advanced Search,” available at (last accessed November 2022); Amy Traub and Robert Hiltonsmith, “Underwriting Bad Jobs: How Our Tax Dollars Are Funding Low-Wage Work and Fueling Inequality” (New York: Demos, 2013), available at
  45. The White House, “Fact Sheet: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Creates Good-Paying Jobs and Supports Workers,” August 3, 2021, available at
  46. Natalie Alms, “The small federal office at the heart of Biden’s equity agenda,” FCW, June 4, 2021, available at
  47. Janet I. Tu, “State’s high court extends SeaTac minimum eage to airport workers,” The Seattle Times, August 20, 2015, available at
  48. New Jersey Legislature, Bill S. 989, sess. 2020–2021 (April 29, 2021), available at; New York State Senate, Senate Bill S. 6266D, sess. 2019–2020 (December 31, 2020), available at For example, the preamble to the New Jersey law states: “Improved retention rates of workers in the airport and train station is an investment in service and safety for all who pass through the airport and train station and compensating these workers so that they can afford healthcare and receive a prevailing wage is a way to increase retention.”
  49. New Jersey Legislature, Bill S. 989; New York State Senate, Senate Bill S. 6266D; New York State Department of Labor, “Healthy Terminals Act,” available at (last accessed December 2022). Note that the New Jersey law requires covered airport workers to receive benefits or a supplement equivalent to the prevailing health and welfare fringe benefits issued under the Service Contract Act, which increased to a rate of $4.80 per hour on June 23, 2022. See Looman, “All Agency Memorandum Number 239.”
  50. Bob Egelko, “Federal Judge Upholds Law Requiring SFO Employers To Provide No-Cost Health Care to Employees,” Aviation Pros, April 7, 2020, available at
  51. Los Angeles World Airports, “Living Wage and Service Worker Retention Ordinances,” available at (last accessed July 2022).
  52. Ken Jacobs, “Living Wages at US Airports,” UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education, December 5, 2017, available at
  53. Gehlbach, “Atlanta airport cleaners to get raises after 13-year battle over minimum wage.”
  54. Sainato, “Airport workers ramp up pressure for a living wage and union rights.”
  55. Keyanna Jones, “Atlanta Airport Workers strike a new deal,” The Revolutionary Report, April 2, 2022, available at
  56. See, for example, South Charlotte Weekly, “Charlotte airport workers protest for better wages and benefits.”
  57. Frank Manzo IV and Kevin Duncan, “An Examination of Minnesota’s Prevailing Wage Law: Effects on Costs, Training, and Economic Development” (La Grange, IL: Midwest Economic Policy Institute, 2018), available at; Malkie Wall, David Madland, and Karla Walter, “Prevailing Wage: Frequently Asked Questions” (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2020), available at
  58. Frank Manzo IV and Robert Bruno, “The Impact of Service Contract Prevailing Wage Laws in the United States and Illinois: Effects on the Labor Market Outcomes of Janitors and Custodians” (La Grange, IL: Illinois Economic Policy Institute, 2022), available at
  59. David Cooper, “Workers of color are far more likely to be paid poverty-level wages than white workers,” Economic Policy Institute, June 21, 2018, available at
  60. Manzo and Bruno, “The Impact of Service Contract Prevailing Wage Laws in the United States and Illinois.”
  61. Reich, Hall, and Jacobs, “Living Wages and Economic Performance: The San Francisco Airport Model”; Amanda Gallear, “The Impact of Wages and Turnover on Security and Safety in Airports: A Review of the Literature” (Berkeley, CA: UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education, 2017), available at
  62. Reich, Hall, and Jacobs, “Living Wages and Economic Performance: The San Francisco Airport Model.’’
  63. Port of Seattle, “Minimum Requirements for Aeronautical Workers with Safety and Security Responsibilities at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport,” June 26, 2014, available at
  64. Ibid.
  65. Paul K. Sonn and Tsedeye Gebreselassie, “The Road to Responsible Contracting: Lessons from States and Cities for Ensuring That Federal Contracting Delivers Good Jobs and Quality Services” (Washington: National Employment Law Project, 2009), available at; Reich, Hall, and Jacobs, “Living Wages and Economic Performance: The San Francisco Airport Model.”
  66. Carol Zabin, Arindrajit Dube, and Ken Jacobs, “The Hidden Public Costs of Low-Wage Jobs in California” (Berkeley, CA: UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education, 2004), available at; David Cooper, “Balancing paychecks and public assistance: How higher wages would strengthen what government can do” (Washington: Economic Policy Institute, 2016), available at
  67. Burns, Toros, and Flaming, “Flying Right: Giving U.S. Aiport Workers a Lift.” See table 4.3, “Estimated Public Assistance Participation for Workers at all U.S. Airports, by Type of Aid and Industry Sector, all Occupations.”
  68. Gallear, “The Impact of Wages and Turnover on Security and Safety in Airports: A Review of the Literature”; Natalie B. Compton, “Airline labor problems aren’t going wway,” The Washington Post, August 29, 2022, available at
  69. U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Aviation Security: Long-Standing Problems Impair Airport Screeners’ Performance” (Washington: 2000), available at
  70. U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Aviation Runway and Ramp Safety: Sustained Efforts to Address Leadership Technology, and Other Challenges Needed to Reduce Accidents and Incidents” (Washington: 2007), available at
  71. Maryland Department of Legislative Services, “Impact of the Maryland Living Wage” (Annapolis, MD: 2008), available at
  72. Ruggles and others, “Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, Version 12.0, U.S. Census Data for Social, Economic, and Health Research, 2015–2019 American Community Survey: 5-year estimates.”
  73. For a complete list of occupation and industry codes with definitions, see U.S. Census Bureau, “Industry and Occupation Code Lists & Crosswalks,” available at (last accessed November 2022).
  74. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Consumer Price Index,” available at (last accessed November 2022).

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Karla Walter

Senior Fellow, Inclusive Economy

Aurelia Glass

Policy Analyst, Inclusive Economy


A subway train pulls into the Flushing Avenue station in Brooklyn.

Inclusive Economy

We are focused on building an inclusive economy by expanding worker power, investing in families, and advancing a social compact that encourages sustainable and equitable growth.

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