Center for American Progress

PRESS CALL: Legal and Policy Experts Discuss Attorneys General Repeal Suits in Florida and Virginia
Press Advisory

PRESS CALL: Legal and Policy Experts Discuss Attorneys General Repeal Suits in Florida and Virginia

Washington, D.C. – A week after Federal District Judge George Steeh in Michigan upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, actions are expected on two other similar lawsuits in the coming days.

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson is scheduled to rule on whether Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has standing to challenge the Affordable Care Act and Virginia Federal District Judge Henry Hudson will hear summary judgment arguments next Monday on Attorney General Cuccinelli’s efforts to repeal health care in that state.

Please join CAP Chief Operating Officer and former senior advisor for health reform at Health and Human Services Neera Tanden, and legal experts Tim Jost and Si Lazarus to discuss the impact of efforts to repeal health care.

What: Press call to discuss Judge Vinson’s decision regarding Attorney General McCollum’s effort to repeal health care.


Neera Tanden, Center for American Progress

Tim Jost, Washington and Lee University Law School

Simon Lazarus, National Senior Citizen Law Center

When: Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 2:00 P.M. (note time change)

Call Info: (877) 210–8943

Conference ID: 18259753
