
Compact View

Monthly Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Savings by State Interactive
Farxiga, Xarelto, Entresto, and Eliquis are made available to customers at the New City Halsted Pharmacy in Chicago.

Monthly Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Savings by State

Medicare drug price negotiation will result in thousands of dollars in net price savings for 30-day supplies of the first 10 drugs undergoing negotiation; here’s how those savings add up state by state.

Nicole Rapfogel

Quick Facts About State Salary Range Transparency Laws Article
Wide shot of people at job fair

Quick Facts About State Salary Range Transparency Laws

Over the past few years, an increasing number of states have passed, or are considering passing, salary range transparency laws as one measure to help close the gender pay gap.

Becca Damante, Lauren Hoffman, Rose Khattar

Protecting Avi Kwa Ame as a National Monument Would Honor Tribes and Increase Access to Nature Article
Photo shows Avi Kwa Ame at night, against a background of a starry sky.

Protecting Avi Kwa Ame as a National Monument Would Honor Tribes and Increase Access to Nature

President Biden must use the Antiquities Act to designate Avi Kwa Ame as a national monument. He faces a critical opportunity to honor ancient sacred lands; conserve ecologically important sites; advance the administration’s 30x30 goal; and enact community-led conservation to close the nature gap.

Sam Zeno

Biden’s infrastructure bill helps prevent parents from losing children to car wrecks In the News

Biden’s infrastructure bill helps prevent parents from losing children to car wrecks

Four years after her son was killed by a speeding car, Nevada mother Suzan Smith describes how essential infrastructure investments are to protect the safety of pedestrians. She celebrates the road safety projects from the Biden administration’s infrastructure investments.

the Las Vegas Sun

Suzan Smith

The Biden Administration’s First 2 Years: Stories of Americans Who Benefit From a Government Invested in Their Future Article

The Biden Administration’s First 2 Years: Stories of Americans Who Benefit From a Government Invested in Their Future

This collection features stories from Americans across the country whose lives and communities have benefited from the legislative and executive actions passed under the Biden administration.

the Center for American Progress Action Fund

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