Center for American Progress

AVAILABLE FOR COMMENT: Andrew Light and Richard Caperton at the United Nations Climate Summit in Cancun, Mexico
Press Release

AVAILABLE FOR COMMENT: Andrew Light and Richard Caperton at the United Nations Climate Summit in Cancun, Mexico

CAP climate policy experts are on the ground at the UN climate summit currently underway in Cancun, Mexico. They will be available until Saturday, December 11th for television, radio, or print interviews.

Andrew Light, Senior Fellow and Director of International Climate Policy, is available for comment on the current state of climate negotiations, assessments of the US negotiating position now and moving forward, US relations with India, China and other emerging economies, REDD and other forestry programs, technology transfer, and the future of the UNFCCC. [email protected]

Richard W. Caperton, Energy Policy Analyst, is available for comment on US financial commitments, US carbon reduction commitments, climate finance governance, innovative finance mechanisms (such as bunker fuel fees and financial transaction taxes), uses of climate finance capital, leveraging private capital for climate finance, and US capabilities in clean energy technology. [email protected]

Both Andrew Light and Richard Caperton are reachable on site at +1-917-570-3276.
