Unlocking Competition ReportOctober 28, 2009 Unlocking Competition David Balto and Stephanie Gross on why the federal government needs to eliminate the antitrust exemption for health insurers. Oct 28, 2009 David Balto, Stephanie Gross
Don’t Leave It to the States ArticleOctober 22, 2009 Don’t Leave It to the States David Balto and Stephanie Gross explain why leaving health insurance oversight to state regulators is a dangerous idea. Oct 22, 2009 David Balto, Stephanie Gross
Equal Benefits for Women ArticleDecember 9, 2008 Equal Benefits for Women The Supreme Court this week will hear arguments on whether women should retroactively receive retirement benefits for pregnancy leave, write Alexandra Cawthorne and Stephanie Gross. Dec 9, 2008 Alexandra Cawthorne Gaines, Stephanie Gross
Victory in California ArticleAugust 20, 2008 Victory in California California Supreme Court rules doctors cannot discriminate against gays and lesbians in providing services. Aug 20, 2008 Jessica Arons, Stephanie Gross