Center for American Progress

: Protecting and Preserving an Open Society
Past Event

Protecting and Preserving an Open Society

The Challenge for the Next Secretary of Homeland Security

12:00 AM - 11:59 PM EST

Protecting and Preserving an Open Society: The Challenge for the Next Secretary of Homeland Security

Many steps have been taken since 9/11 tragedy, including the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, which have made it difficult for global terror networks to strike the United States. But serious vulnerabilities remain, particularly with respect to port, airline and rail security and chemical facilities. Are we devoting sufficient resources to homeland security? Are we stretched properly? Do we have effective interaction with state and local officials? A distinguished panel of national and homeland security experts will discuss the state of Homeland Security; a vision for the future; and the priorities for the next secretary of homeland security and the Bush administration in its second term.

Audio:   Protecting and Preserving an Open Society
• Transcript
Video: Philip J. “P.J.” CrowleyRoger W. Cressey |  Rand Beers |  Philip J. “P.J.” CrowleyQ&A

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