Center for American Progress

Lo que los Defensores de America the Beautiful for All Están Diciendo

Lo que los Defensores de America the Beautiful for All Están Diciendo

Defensores de la coalición America the Beautiful for All comparten que es lo que se motivan a luchar para conservación en sus comunidades.

Part of a Series

Tres defensores de primera línea de la coalición America the Beautiful for All hablan sobre los lugares especiales que están tratando de salvar; qué medidas de conservación quieren que tome el presidente Joe Biden; y qué significa para ellos la “conservación justa.”

The positions of American Progress, and our policy experts, are independent, and the findings and conclusions presented are those of American Progress alone. A full list of supporters is available here. American Progress would like to acknowledge the many generous supporters who make our work possible.


Margaret Cooney

Senior Campaign Manager of Storytelling, Energy and Environment Campaigns

Angelo Villagomez

Senior Fellow


Ala Al Sadi

Former Video Producer

Hai-Lam Phan

Senior Director, Creative

Toni Pandolfo

Video Producer, Production


Conservation Policy

We work to protect our lands, waters, ocean, and wildlife to address the linked climate and biodiversity crises. This work helps to ensure that all people can access and benefit from nature and that conservation and climate investments build a resilient, just, and inclusive economy.

Explore The Series

Fish swim by a shallow coral reef.

Front-line advocates of the America the Beautiful for All Coalition recently came to Washington, D.C., to meet with elected officials to support a just and equitable implementation of President Joe Biden’s “America the Beautiful” initiative. The Center for American Progress interviewed 10 advocates and asked them: “What special place are you working to save?”; “What does ‘just conservation’ mean to you?”; and “What conservation action do you want President Biden to take?”

Listen to what they had to say.

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