The latest evidence that the war in Iraq is stretching our military thin is the army’s remarkable decision to mobilize and deploy 5,674 individual ready reservists. Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Below are a collection of figures that highlight the increasing strains placed upon our military.
Number of National Guardsmen and Reservists on active duty [1]
Estimated number of National Guardsmen and Reservists currently deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan and surrounding regions [2]
Approximate number of army reserve units forced to stay on duty in Iraq and the surrounding region over the 12 month norm [3]
Estimated number of military personnel affected by "stop loss" orders [4]
Percent of U.S. military force in Iraq constituted by Reservists and National Guardsmen [5]
Number of Reservists and National Guardsmen killed in Iraq as of June 26 [6]
Number of months from the invasion of Iraq until all troops received Interceptor body armor [7]
Percent of Guardsmen lacking health insurance [8]
Percent of the Idaho Army National Guard, typically engaged in firefighting during the summer fire-season, that has been alerted, mobilized or actually deployed in Iraq as of May [9]
Percent of Indiana National Guardsmen in the 1st Battalion of the 152nd Regiment who chose to reenlist after serving a year in Iraq
Percent of the same battalion’s soldiers who typically reenlisted before the Iraq war [10]
[1] "The Reach of the War: The Reserves; Reserve System Needs Change, Military Experts Believe," Thom Shanker, The New York Times, July 4, 2004
[2] According to conversation with U.S. Central Command official (7-8-04)
[3] According to conversation with U.S. Army Reserve official (7-8-04)
[5] "Death Toll Rising For Part-Time U.S. Forces," Wayne Woolley. Newark Star-Ledger. July 11, 2004
[9] "National Guard in Short Supply, some States Fear," Associated Press, May 12, 2004.
[10] "Guardsmen choose not to re-enlist," Associated Press, July 13, 2004.