Localized Anti-Displacement Policies ReportSeptember 26, 2022 Localized Anti-Displacement Policies As more investments enter disadvantaged communities, it is crucial that local policies stabilize current residents, ensure they benefit from expanded opportunity, and protect them from displacement. Sep 26, 2022 Justin Dorazio
Many Successes in Just a Few Years: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Turns 5 ArticleJuly 21, 2015 Many Successes in Just a Few Years: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Turns 5 As critics call for deregulation, the CFPB demonstrates America’s need for a financial referee. Jul 21, 2015 Camille Galles
Cash for Homes: Policy Implications of an Investor-Led Housing Recovery ReportSeptember 5, 2013 Cash for Homes: Policy Implications of an Investor-Led Housing Recovery Investors can and should be part of our nation’s housing recovery, but there are serious risks associated with leaving neighborhood recovery in the hands of private investors. Sep 5, 2013 Sarah Edelman
Congress Could Help ‘Quantitative Easing’ Reach Main Street ArticleSeptember 19, 2012 Congress Could Help ‘Quantitative Easing’ Reach Main Street Three plans to help millions of families take advantage of low interest rates through mortgage refinancing are now before Congress, but Congress is slow to act. Sep 19, 2012 John Griffith
Time to Make an Offer FHFA Can’t Refuse ArticleAugust 2, 2012 Time to Make an Offer FHFA Can’t Refuse The agency stands in the way of principal reductions by mortgage financiers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but the Treasury Department can fix that, writes John Griffith. Aug 2, 2012 John Griffith
Bipartisan Bill Pushes Shared Appreciation Principal Reductions ArticleJune 12, 2012 Bipartisan Bill Pushes Shared Appreciation Principal Reductions Congress can save taxpayer dollars while giving underwater borrowers a fighting chance of staying in their homes, writes John Griffith. Jun 12, 2012 John Griffith
The FHA Is on Board With Principal Reduction ArticleJune 11, 2012 The FHA Is on Board With Principal Reduction John Griffith argues that with most of the mortgage industry embracing principal reduction as a way to help troubled homeowners, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should follow suit. Jun 11, 2012 John Griffith
Time to Ramp Up Refinancing ArticleJune 7, 2012 Time to Ramp Up Refinancing New legislation would help more homeowners refinance through the Home Affordable Refinance Program, writes John Griffith. Jun 7, 2012 John Griffith
Tossing a Lifeline to Underwater Homeowners ArticleMay 30, 2012 Tossing a Lifeline to Underwater Homeowners Congress can step up and help the more than 3 million homeowners that cannot refinance their mortgages to today’s low rates, writes John Griffith. May 30, 2012 John Griffith
Inching Toward Principal Write-Downs at Fannie and Freddie ArticleApril 19, 2012 Inching Toward Principal Write-Downs at Fannie and Freddie New data from the firms’ regulator confirms that principal reductions can be good business practice, write John Griffith and Daniel Molitor. Apr 19, 2012 John Griffith, Daniel Molitor
Sharing the Pain and Gain in the Housing Market ReportMarch 29, 2012 Sharing the Pain and Gain in the Housing Market John Griffith and Jordan Eizenga explain why Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency should embrace a targeted principal-reduction program for certain deeply underwater loans it owns or guarantees. Mar 29, 2012 John Griffith, Jordan Eizenga
Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice We pursue climate action that meets the crisis’s urgency, creates good-quality jobs, benefits disadvantaged communities, and restores U.S. credibility on the global stage.
Restoring Social Trust in Democracy Restoring Social Trust in Democracy Democracy is under attack at home and abroad. We must act to ensure it is accessible to all, accountable, and can serve as a force of good.
Building an Economy for All Building an Economy for All Economic growth must be built on the foundation of a strong and secure middle class so that all Americans benefit from growth.