Health Care that Heals ArticleOctober 30, 2014 Health Care that Heals Pope Francis teaches that access to comprehensive health care, which acknowledges the dignity of the whole person at each stage of life, is necessary to build a more just world. Oct 30, 2014 Claire Markham
Education that Empowers ArticleOctober 23, 2014 Education that Empowers Pope Francis teaches that education is a tool for developing individuals, communities, and the world in service of compassion and fairness, suggesting that a commitment to quality, accessible education for all is a crucial element of building a more just world. Oct 23, 2014 Claire Markham
An Economy that Serves ArticleOctober 8, 2014 An Economy that Serves Pope Francis has repeatedly highlighted the importance of work and his concern that the current economy values profit over people, urging people of faith and conscience to champion changes in business and the labor market that protect workers. Oct 8, 2014 Claire Markham
How Would Francis Vote? ArticleSeptember 18, 2014 How Would Francis Vote? Pope Francis has been a strong proponent of civic engagement during his papacy, calling for his billions of followers—and inspiring other admirers—to consider their faith and values when working to build more just societies. Sep 18, 2014 Claire Markham