Washington, D.C. — Carmel Martin, Executive Vice President for Policy at the Center for American Progress, released the following statement today reacting to the news that the U.S. Department of Education will launch a new initiative to ensure that all schools have access to high-quality teachers:
All students—regardless of where they live or their family background—deserve access to high-quality instruction. We know that having a highly effective teacher can improve student achievement and increase lifetime earnings, and disadvantaged students who receive high-quality instruction year after year can keep pace with their more affluent peers. However, the harsh reality is that low-income students and students of color are twice as likely to be taught by teachers with the least experience or teachers who are not qualified. The Department of Education should be commended for its effort to ensure that excellent educators are teaching in the classrooms that need them most.
For more information or to speak to an expert, contact Katie Peters at [email protected] or 202.741.6285.
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