Washington, D.C.—On Tuesday, President Obama will mark the end of the combat mission in Iraq, fulfilling his promise to end the war responsibly. As part of that commitment, the Obama administration has overseen the drawdown of 90,000 troops from Iraq. But fifty thousand troops remain to advise and assist Iraqi forces—even as government formation has been stalled since the March elections.
On Tuesday, August 31 at 1:00 p.m. EST, the National Security Network and the Center for American Progress will hold a press conference call to examine these issues, featuring NSN Senior Adviser Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton (Ret.), who oversaw the training of Iraqi troops from 2003-2004; Lawrence Korb, former assistant secretary of defense and Center for American Progress Senior Fellow; and Brian Katulis, Center for American Progress Senior Fellow—co-authors of CAP’s Strategic Redeployment series, which galvanized discussion of a strategic shift in Iraq beginning in 2005.
For more on CAP’s timeline and cost preview of the Iraq War , click here .
Press call on the end of combat operations in Iraq
Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton (Ret.), National Security Network Senior Adviser
Lawrence Korb, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense and Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress
Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress
Today, Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. EST
***Call-in #: 1-800-895-0231***
***Passcode: 7IRAQ***
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