Washington, D.C. — The Senate Republican tax scheme is one step closer to becoming law, which means that health premiums for Maine residents and millions of American families could skyrocket and that millions more could lose coverage. The proposed temporary fixes to this problem, such as the Alexander-Murray Deal or the Collins-Nelson reinsurance proposal, will not address these issues.
The Senate tax bill aims to repeal the individual mandate, which would result in 13 million more uninsured by 2025 and a $2,350 premium increase in 2019 for a typical middle-class family in Maine buying marketplace insurance on its own.
Today, at 12:00 p.m., experts from the Center for American Progress will join Maine health experts and individuals to explain how repeal of the individual mandate could sabotage the Affordable Care Act in spite of any claims of a legislative fix, such as the Alexander-Murray Deal or Collins-Nelson legislation, being considered as part of overall tax negotiations.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017, at 12:00 p.m. EST
Sam Berger, senior policy adviser, Center for American Progress
Alyce Ornella, Brunswick, ME
Hani Jarawan MD, Health and Public Policy Chair, American College of Physicians, Maine Chapter
Contact Devon Kearns at [email protected] for dial-in information.