
Julian L. Wong


Compact View

Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees Article
Some companies, like California's Coda Automotive pictured here at their factory in China, have managed to cross China's protectionist barrier because their primary market is the United States. But a larger problem remains for American companies: the lack of develpoment at home leaves little opportunity to actually invest here. (AP/Muhammed Muheisen)

Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees

Chinese protectionism of their clean energy market is a real problem, but one that we can cure with our own domestic investment, writes Julian L. Wong.

Julian L. Wong

Turning Energy Promises into Action Article
Energy Secretary Steven Chu, pictured here, will host the first Clean Energy Ministerial in Washington, DC starting July 19. (AP/Cliff Owen)

Turning Energy Promises into Action

Getting started with implementing clean energy solutions is just as important as setting national carbon emission targets, write Julian L. Wong and Arpita Bhattacharyya.

Julian L. Wong, Arpita Bhattacharyya

China’s Clean Energy Push Report
A worker is seen while installing a wind turbine produced by Goldwind Science and Technology Co. Ltd. at the Dabancheng Wind Farm in northwest China's Xinjiang region. (AP/AP Photo)

China’s Clean Energy Push

Julian L. Wong summarizes impressions and findings about the state of clean energy innovation and manufacturing in China from a recent trip.

Julian L. Wong

Video: Applied Materials Comes to Xi’An Video

Video: Applied Materials Comes to Xi’An

Julian L. Wong and Sarah Miller interview a general manager at Applied Materials, which has opened the world’s largest nongovernmental solar research and development center in Xi-An.

Julian L. Wong, Sarah Miller

Map: Visiting China, Seeing Green Interactive

Map: Visiting China, Seeing Green

CAP experts travel to China to investigate its clean energy investment strategy; follow their progress and analysis as they meet with officials, researchers, and executives.

Julian L. Wong

Out of the Running? Report
China, Germany, and Spain are early winners in the next great technological and industrial revolution. The United States, which has yet to fully embrace a truly sustainable growth strategy for the low-carbon future, is not. (AP/Eric Draper)

Out of the Running?

A report from Kate Gordon, Julian L. Wong, and JT McLain explains what is at stake for the United States if it doesn't become a top player in the emerging global low-carbon economy.

Kate Gordon, Julian L. Wong, Julian L. Wong

Cooperation Is the Key Report
U.S. and Chinese officials stand before the China Resources Golden Concord Co-Generation Plant at the Beijing Development Area in Beijing earlier this year. (AP/Andy Wong)

Cooperation Is the Key

A proposal from John D. Podesta, Andrew Light, and Julian L. Wong on U.S.-China collaboration on climate technology.

John Podesta, Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong

The Changing Climate in India Article
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and India's Junior Minister for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh discuss climate change during Clinton's visit to India in July. (AP/Mustafa Quraishi)

The Changing Climate in India

India brings new hope that developed and developing nations will be able to reach an agreement on emissions reduction, write Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong, and Sabina Dewan.

Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong, Sabina Dewan

A Birthday Wish List Article
Chinese workers prepare decorations ahead of the 60th National Day celebrations in Beijing, China. (AP/Ng Han Guan)

A Birthday Wish List

Julian L. Wong on China's climate challenge and the next 60 years on its 60th anniversary.

Julian L. Wong

Hu Speaks—What Next? Article

Hu Speaks—What Next?

President Hu Jintao of China announced that China will build on existing domestic climate change policies as embodied in its National Climate Change Programme and current Five Year Plan to step up its efforts on energy efficiency, development of low-carbon energy such as renewables and nuclear, and increase of forestry cover.

Counting All the Benefits Report
A worker installs a smart meter in Houston, a measure that will help maximize the building's energy efficiency. (AP/Pat Sullivan)

Counting All the Benefits

New report from Geoffrey P. Lewis and Julian L. Wong shows that a full systems analysis of energy saving solutions reveals that efficiency is the most cost-effective measure.

Peaking Duck Article
Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti leads the CAP delegation in its meeting with Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo. (CAP)

Peaking Duck

New report shows that China is taking action on climate change; the United States must work with China on joint acceleration, writes Julian Wong.

Julian L. Wong

Sensenbrenner Distorts Climate Facts Article
Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) speaks at a hearing on global warming. (AP/Susan Walsh)

Sensenbrenner Distorts Climate Facts

Chinese economist Pan Jiahua claims in an exclusive interview that the way Sensenbrenner abused his statements is unethical, write Andrew Light and Julian L. Wong.

Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong