Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees ArticleJuly 23, 2010 Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees Chinese protectionism of their clean energy market is a real problem, but one that we can cure with our own domestic investment, writes Julian L. Wong. Jul 23, 2010 Julian L. Wong
Turning Energy Promises into Action ArticleJuly 16, 2010 Turning Energy Promises into Action Getting started with implementing clean energy solutions is just as important as setting national carbon emission targets, write Julian L. Wong and Arpita Bhattacharyya. Jul 16, 2010 Julian L. Wong, Arpita Bhattacharyya
The Challenge of China’s Green Technology Policy ArticleJuly 14, 2010 The Challenge of China’s Green Technology Policy Julian L. Wong testifies to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission on China's rise in green tech and how the United States can catch up. Jul 14, 2010 Julian L. Wong
Negotiating a Climate Treaty—Common but How Differentiated? ArticleJuly 7, 2010 Negotiating a Climate Treaty—Common but How Differentiated? Stephen D. Eule and Julian L. Wong offer perspectives on negotiating a climate treaty in this Envisions article. Jul 7, 2010 Stephen Eule, Julian L. Wong
The Food–Energy–Water Nexus: An Integrated Approach to Understanding China’s Resource Challenges ArticleJuly 7, 2010 The Food–Energy–Water Nexus: An Integrated Approach to Understanding China’s Resource Challenges Julian Wong argues for more integrated approaches to resource management in China in this Harvard Asia Quarterly article Jul 7, 2010 Julian L. Wong
China’s Clean Energy Push ReportJune 18, 2010 China’s Clean Energy Push Julian L. Wong summarizes impressions and findings about the state of clean energy innovation and manufacturing in China from a recent trip. Jun 18, 2010 Julian L. Wong
Video: Investing in China’s Clean Water Market VideoMay 5, 2010 Video: Investing in China’s Clean Water Market Julian Wong talks with Anthony Goh in Beijing about America’s competitive position on green technologies and how it can break into the Chinese clean water market. May 5, 2010 Julian L. Wong
High-Tech Transportation for a Growing Nation ArticleMay 4, 2010 High-Tech Transportation for a Growing Nation China’s investment in high-speed rail is laying a foundation to continue its economic growth and improve its competitive position in the global clean energy economy, write Julian L. Wong and Nick Wellkamp. May 4, 2010 Julian L. Wong, Nick Wellkamp
Video: Applied Materials Comes to Xi’An VideoApril 6, 2010 Video: Applied Materials Comes to Xi’An Julian L. Wong and Sarah Miller interview a general manager at Applied Materials, which has opened the world’s largest nongovernmental solar research and development center in Xi-An. Apr 6, 2010 Julian L. Wong, Sarah Miller
Map: Visiting China, Seeing Green InteractiveApril 1, 2010 Map: Visiting China, Seeing Green CAP experts travel to China to investigate its clean energy investment strategy; follow their progress and analysis as they meet with officials, researchers, and executives. Apr 1, 2010 Julian L. Wong
Out of the Running? ReportMarch 4, 2010 Out of the Running? A report from Kate Gordon, Julian L. Wong, and JT McLain explains what is at stake for the United States if it doesn't become a top player in the emerging global low-carbon economy. Mar 4, 2010 Kate Gordon, Julian L. Wong, Julian L. Wong
America Is Serious About Climate Action ReportDecember 7, 2009 America Is Serious About Climate Action Global support for a new international consensus is key to success at Copenhagen, write Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong, and Kari Manlove. Dec 7, 2009 Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong, Kari Manlove, 1 More Saya Kitasei
Announcements of U.S.-China Cooperation Create a Path to Copenhagen Success ArticleNovember 20, 2009 Announcements of U.S.-China Cooperation Create a Path to Copenhagen Success Agreements announced in Beijing this week show that international negotiations are still alive and well, write Julian L. Wong and Andrew Light. Nov 20, 2009 Julian L. Wong, Andrew Light
Cooperation Is the Key ReportNovember 4, 2009 Cooperation Is the Key A proposal from John D. Podesta, Andrew Light, and Julian L. Wong on U.S.-China collaboration on climate technology. Nov 4, 2009 John Podesta, Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong
The Changing Climate in India ArticleOctober 22, 2009 The Changing Climate in India India brings new hope that developed and developing nations will be able to reach an agreement on emissions reduction, write Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong, and Sabina Dewan. Oct 22, 2009 Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong, Sabina Dewan
A Birthday Wish List ArticleSeptember 30, 2009 A Birthday Wish List Julian L. Wong on China's climate challenge and the next 60 years on its 60th anniversary. Sep 30, 2009 Julian L. Wong
Hu Speaks—What Next? ArticleSeptember 25, 2009 Hu Speaks—What Next? President Hu Jintao of China announced that China will build on existing domestic climate change policies as embodied in its National Climate Change Programme and current Five Year Plan to step up its efforts on energy efficiency, development of low-carbon energy such as renewables and nuclear, and increase of forestry cover. Sep 25, 2009 Julian L. Wong, Isabel Hilton
Counting All the Benefits ReportAugust 24, 2009 Counting All the Benefits New report from Geoffrey P. Lewis and Julian L. Wong shows that a full systems analysis of energy saving solutions reveals that efficiency is the most cost-effective measure. Aug 24, 2009 Geoffrey P. Lewis, Julian L. Wong
Peaking Duck ArticleAugust 20, 2009 Peaking Duck New report shows that China is taking action on climate change; the United States must work with China on joint acceleration, writes Julian Wong. Aug 20, 2009 Julian L. Wong
Ensuring and Enhancing U.S. Competitiveness While Moving Toward a Clean-Energy Economy ArticleJuly 16, 2009 Ensuring and Enhancing U.S. Competitiveness While Moving Toward a Clean-Energy Economy CAP Action's Julian L. Wong testifies before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works about moving toward a clean-energy economy. Jul 16, 2009 Julian L. Wong
Ask the Expert: U.S.-China Climate Cooperation VideoJuly 6, 2009 Ask the Expert: U.S.-China Climate Cooperation Julian Wong discusses what China is doing to combat global warming and how the United States and China can work together on climate issues. Jul 6, 2009 Julian L. Wong
After the “Reset” ReportJuly 2, 2009 After the “Reset” Samuel Charap outlines a strategy and new agenda for U.S. Russia policy in advance of the Moscow summit between Presidents Obama and Medvedev. Jul 2, 2009 Samuel Charap, Laura Conley, Peter Juul, 2 More Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong
U.S.-Russia Climate and Energy Efficiency Cooperation: A Neglected Challenge ReportJune 30, 2009 U.S.-Russia Climate and Energy Efficiency Cooperation: A Neglected Challenge Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong, and Samuel Charap argue that the United States and Russia can work together on climate change and energy efficiency. Jun 30, 2009 Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong, Samuel Charap
Sensenbrenner Distorts Climate Facts ArticleJune 16, 2009 Sensenbrenner Distorts Climate Facts Chinese economist Pan Jiahua claims in an exclusive interview that the way Sensenbrenner abused his statements is unethical, write Andrew Light and Julian L. Wong. Jun 16, 2009 Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong