It’s Time for a Better Poverty Measure ReportAugust 25, 2009 It’s Time for a Better Poverty Measure Mark Greenberg shows why the federal poverty measure is flawed and how it can be updated. Aug 25, 2009 Mark Greenberg
Implications of a New Poverty Measure for Program Funding Formulas and Benefits Eligibility ReportAugust 24, 2009 Implications of a New Poverty Measure for Program Funding Formulas and Benefits Eligibility Report from Mark Greenberg discusses how a new measure of poverty would affect funding formulas and benefits eligibility. Aug 24, 2009 Mark Greenberg
Poor Measurement for Poverty ArticleFebruary 11, 2009 Poor Measurement for Poverty Policymakers should modernize the poverty measure. The current guideline does not take into account key provisions in the stimulus package such as the creation of a Making Work Pay Tax Credit and the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit. Feb 11, 2009 Mark Greenberg
How to Help 12 Million Low-Income Children ArticleJanuary 26, 2009 How to Help 12 Million Low-Income Children House recovery legislation goes further than the Senate on revising the Child Tax Credit and would bring help to 12 million low-income children, writes Mark Greenberg. Jan 26, 2009 Mark Greenberg
Improving the Measurement of Poverty ArticleDecember 8, 2008 Improving the Measurement of Poverty Mark Greenberg and Rebecca Blank recommend the adoption of a new poverty measure, along the lines recommended by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), in order to provide a more accurate measure of economic need in the United States. Dec 8, 2008 Mark Greenberg, Rebecca M. Blank
Stalled Progress on Poverty ArticleAugust 26, 2008 Stalled Progress on Poverty The latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau detail the lack of any progress against poverty since 2000, write Mark Greenberg and Lisa Donner. Aug 26, 2008 Mark Greenberg, Lisa Donner
Next Steps for Federal Child Care Policy ArticleSeptember 21, 2007 Next Steps for Federal Child Care Policy Sep 21, 2007 Mark Greenberg
Recommitting to the Fight Against Poverty ArticleAugust 28, 2007 Recommitting to the Fight Against Poverty New data shows U.S. has moved backward on health care and poverty since 2000; CAP experts offer solutions for getting back on track. Aug 28, 2007 Peter Edelman, Angela Glover Blackwell, Mark Greenberg
Defining Poverty ArticleAugust 1, 2007 Defining Poverty Mark Greenberg, Director of CAP's Task Force on Poverty, testifies to Congress on why the method for measuring poverty should be updated. Aug 1, 2007 Mark Greenberg
A Plan to Cut Poverty in Half ArticleApril 26, 2007 A Plan to Cut Poverty in Half Apr 26, 2007 Mark Greenberg, Elisa Minoff
New Census Data Show Deteriorating Income and Health Coverage from 2000 to 2005 ArticleAugust 29, 2006 New Census Data Show Deteriorating Income and Health Coverage from 2000 to 2005 Newly-released data from the Census Bureau shows a serious erosion of income and health care security for working Americans. Aug 29, 2006 Jeanne Lambrew, John S. Irons, Mark Greenberg