Investing in a Clean Energy Present and Future: Opportunities and the Costs of Inaction ArticleJanuary 8, 2009 Investing in a Clean Energy Present and Future: Opportunities and the Costs of Inaction CAPAF's Kit Batten testifies on the benefits of investing in clean energy today, and what the costs of failing to act would be. Jan 8, 2009 Kit Batten
Identifying Hurdles to Renewable Electricity Transmission ReportDecember 18, 2008 Identifying Hurdles to Renewable Electricity Transmission Kit Batten and Kari Manlove outline obstacles to modernizing the electrical grid for renewable electricity transmission. Dec 18, 2008 Kit Batten, Kari Manlove
Investing in a Green Economy ReportJune 2, 2008 Investing in a Green Economy Report shows that auction revenue from cap-and-trade programs would provide much-needed revenue to help the transition to a low-carbon economy. Jun 2, 2008 Kit Batten, Benjamin Goldstein, Bracken Hendricks
Full Disclosure ReportMay 5, 2008 Full Disclosure Report from Christopher Pyke and Kit Batten outlines an Executive Order to require consideration of global warming under the National Environmental Policy Act. May 5, 2008 Christopher Pyke, Kit Batten
Energy Diversity Dividends: Biofuels Lower Oil Prices ArticleMarch 24, 2008 Energy Diversity Dividends: Biofuels Lower Oil Prices New market analysis shows that global biofuels boom helped reduce the cost of oil, writes Jake Caldwell and Kit Batten. Mar 24, 2008 Kit Batten, Jake Caldwell
Develop Good Biofuels: The Journal Science Tells Us Why ArticleFebruary 8, 2008 Develop Good Biofuels: The Journal Science Tells Us Why Two new studies highlight the need for tight environmental standards for biofuels to help us solve global warming, write Kit Batten and Jake Caldwell. Feb 8, 2008 Kit Batten, Jake Caldwell
The Lessons of Bali: The U.S. Needs to Lead on Global Warming ArticleDecember 18, 2007 The Lessons of Bali: The U.S. Needs to Lead on Global Warming The Bush administration agreed to keep talking about global warming at the summit in Bali last week, but Congress should do more than talk, writes Kit Batten. Dec 18, 2007 Kit Batten
A Real Change for Climate Policy: Moving Beyond the Kyoto Protocol in Bali ArticleDecember 5, 2007 A Real Change for Climate Policy: Moving Beyond the Kyoto Protocol in Bali The United States should take advantage of its opportunity to lead in reducing global warming emissions, say Kit Batten and Kari Manlove. Dec 5, 2007 Kit Batten, Kari Manlove
Forecast: Storm Warnings ReportAugust 27, 2007 Forecast: Storm Warnings A new report from CAP's environment experts argues that the country must prepare for more severe hurricanes due to global warming. Aug 27, 2007 Kit Batten, Jane Bullock, Benjamin Goldstein, 4 More George Haddow, Bracken Hendricks, Kari Manlove, Daniel J. Weiss
Climate Refugees: Global Warming Will Spur Migration ArticleJuly 3, 2007 Climate Refugees: Global Warming Will Spur Migration What's been missing in the recent debate over immigration? Talk of global warming's effects, say CAP's experts. Jul 3, 2007 Kit Batten, Kari Manlove, Nat Gryll
A Giant Baby Step on Global Warming ArticleMay 14, 2007 A Giant Baby Step on Global Warming To effectively combat global warming we'll need a far more aggressive strategy than the one President Bush issued today. May 14, 2007 Kit Batten