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Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice

We pursue climate action that meets the crisis’s urgency, creates good-quality jobs, benefits disadvantaged communities, and restores U.S. credibility on the global stage.

People with placards and posters on global strike for climate change. Woman speaking in megaphone in front of crowd. (Getty/urbazon)

What We're Doing

Pursuing environmental justice

Investing in equitable climate solutions that address the country’s legacy of environmental racism while working to ensure that all communities have the right to breathe clean air, live free of dangerous levels of toxic pollution, access healthy food, and share the benefits of a prosperous economy

Creating good, clean jobs at home

Laying the groundwork for an urgent transition to a clean energy economy that works for all, creating millions of well-paying jobs with the opportunity to join a union, and improving the quality of life for all Americans in the process

Protecting nature

Addressing the linked climate and biodiversity crises by conserving 30 percent of all U.S. lands and water by 2030 and promoting natural solutions to the climate crisis that benefit all communities

Restoring U.S. climate leadership on the global stage

By taking strong and equitable domestic action, we restore the ability to bring countries together to reduce emissions and help developing countries transition to carbon-neutral economies and adapt to inevitable impacts

Center for American Progress

Boldly Forward

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By the numbers


The cost to U.S. taxpayers from extreme weather events in 2022

National Centers for Environmental Information


The number of elected senators and representatives who still deny climate change

CAP, “Climate Deniers in the 117th Congress” (2021).


Human activity, largely burning fossil fuels, has warmed the planet this much since 1800s

The New York Times, “A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us.” (2021).


The number of plant and animal species at risk of extinction around the world today

CAP, “How Much Nature Should America Keep?” (2019).

What You Can Do

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Compact View

Community Conversations Event Series Video

Community Conversations Event Series

The Biden administration’s unprecedented environmental justice investments are transforming despair into optimism and into tangible benefits in communities, including clean air and water, jobs, improved public health, and clean and affordable energy.

3 International Climate Priorities for 2024 Report
Photo shows several flags arranged in a circular formation, flying against a grey cloudy sky

3 International Climate Priorities for 2024

As President Joe Biden’s first term draws to a close, his administration must deliver on three international climate policies to catalyze a 21st-century clean energy economy and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Anne Christianson, Trevor Sutton, Frances Colón

The Agenda of the 118th Congress’ Antiparks Caucus Article
A view of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, with downtown Los Angeles visible in the background.

The Agenda of the 118th Congress’ Antiparks Caucus

A new CAP analysis identifies the latest congressional antiparks caucus and their wide targeted agenda to dismantle America’s most beloved public lands.

Sam Zeno

State Leadership To Conserve Nature Past Event

State Leadership To Conserve Nature

Join the Center for American Progress and the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators for a discussion with state leaders about conservation policy successes.

Upwell: A Wave of Ocean Justice Online Past Event

Upwell: A Wave of Ocean Justice Online

Please join Azul, the Center for American Progress, and Urban Ocean Lab for an online symposium on the rising tide of justice and equity in ocean policy.

Upwell: A Wave of Ocean Justice Past Event

Upwell: A Wave of Ocean Justice

Please join Azul, the Center for American Progress, and Urban Ocean Lab for an in-person symposium on the rising tide of justice and equity in ocean policy.

Beyond 30×30: Global Ocean Conservation Quality Is Lagging Behind Quantity Article
A green sea turtle swims among the corals of Lady Elliot Island.

Beyond 30×30: Global Ocean Conservation Quality Is Lagging Behind Quantity

The international community’s commitment to protect at least 30 percent of our ocean by 2030—a goal known as “30x30”—is both inspiring and challenging; but this effort must go beyond mere numbers and strive for quality, effectiveness, and holistic conservation.

Angelo Villagomez

5 Early Takeaways From the Biden Administration’s Conservation Atlas Article
People view the sunset from a proposed expansion area of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.

5 Early Takeaways From the Biden Administration’s Conservation Atlas

The Biden administration has released long-awaited metrics for U.S. land and water conservation that show national progress made toward ambitious “30x30” goals; but there’s also a deeper story to explore about the path ahead for ocean and land protection as well as the value and limits of numeric targets.

Dreaming of a Protected Ocean In the News

Dreaming of a Protected Ocean

In the spring 2024 issue of the Smithsonian's American Indian magazine, Angelo Villagomez draws on personal memories growing up on Saipan to describe how his culture, heritage, and family continue to inform his approach to conservation advocacy today.

American Indian magazine

Angelo Villagomez

Securing Environmental Justice for All Report
U.S. President Joe Biden speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House before signing an executive order that would create the White House Office of Environmental Justice.

Securing Environmental Justice for All

The Biden administration has launched the most ambitious climate and environmental justice agenda in history to ensure that every community has clean air and water, can access living-wage jobs and affordable clean energy, and is protected from climate change threats.

Cathleen Kelly, Michele Roberts, Rachel Chang

Cirba Solutions Battery Recycling Plant Article
Stacks of green used electric vehicle batteries sit on the floor of a factory.

Cirba Solutions Battery Recycling Plant

A $74 million investment from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help Cirba Solutions open and operate a new battery recycling facility.

First Solar Thin Film Research and Development Center Article
A field of solar panels is seen in the middle of the desert.

First Solar Thin Film Research and Development Center

First Solar is spending $450 million to establish a research and development center focused on the production of thin film photovoltaic modules.

4 Things To Know About the EPA’s Upcoming Car Emissions Standards Article
Photo shows a black plaque with gold lettering reading

4 Things To Know About the EPA’s Upcoming Car Emissions Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency’s finalized emissions standards for cars and light trucks in model years 2027 through 2032 will drive billions of dollars in public health, climate, and economic benefits.

Leo Banks

‘Clean Up To Green Up’: Building a Clean Energy Workforce and a Brighter Future in Detroit Video

‘Clean Up To Green Up’: Building a Clean Energy Workforce and a Brighter Future in Detroit

The Green Door Initiative is using federal investments from President Joe Biden's Justice40 Initiative and the Inflation Reduction Act to ensure that all people—regardless of race, income, or ZIP code—have access to good jobs and live in safe and healthy communities.

We Need Smart Policy for Automakers to Profit on EVs In the News

We Need Smart Policy for Automakers to Profit on EVs

Former Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI) asserts the need for the United States to implement a charging infrastructure that can meet consumers’ needs in an op-ed published in WardsAuto.


Rep. Andy Levin

Securing Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthy Environment for All Video

Securing Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthy Environment for All

Industrial facilities are most often located in or near Black, brown, and low-income communities who face the brunt of harmful industrial pollution, climate change impacts, and other environmental and public health hazards—something Harold Mitchell experienced firsthand in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Fortunately, the Biden administration’s long-overdue environmental justice investments can ensure that all people—regardless of race, income, or ZIP code—have clean air and clean water and live in safe and healthy communities.

Michigan Technological University Battery Recycling Plant Pilot Project Article

Michigan Technological University Battery Recycling Plant Pilot Project

Michigan Technological University is receiving funding to develop a better battery recycling and metal refining technology in partnership with the only nickel mine in the United States.

The Biden Administration Can Deliver on Ocean Conservation Promises Made by the Bush and Obama Administrations Article

The Biden Administration Can Deliver on Ocean Conservation Promises Made by the Bush and Obama Administrations

Publishing final management plans for three marine monuments that have languished in bureaucratic limbo for as many as 15 years would deliver effective management for nearly half the protected waters in the United States.

Angelo Villagomez, Beth Pike, Laurie Peterka, 1 More Jen Felt

A Green Buyers Club In the News

A Green Buyers Club

In this report published by Clean Energy Canada, Mike Williams, Rachel Chang, and their co-authors Jana Elbrecht, Ollie Sheldrick, and Mary Hellmich, analyze the status of green public procurement for construction materials in Germany, Canada, and the United States.

Clean Energy Canada

Rachel Chang, Jana Elbrecht, Mary Hellmich, 2 More Ollie Sheldrick, Mike Williams

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