Center for American Progress

: Exclusive Call: CAP Experts On Securing a Democratic World
Past Event

Exclusive Call: CAP Experts On Securing a Democratic World

Center for American Progress
7:00 - 7:30 PM EDT

Liberal democracy around the world is under threat. It is increasingly clear that the future of U.S. national security and a liberal democratic world depends on America embracing democratic values, locking arms with its democratic allies to stem the rise of authoritarianism, and growing the community of democratic nations. Hear from CAP experts as they give an insider’s peak of their upcoming report, “Securing a Democratic World: The Case for a Democratic Values-Driven U.S. Foreign Policy.”

CAP experts joining the call include:

Kelly Magsamen, Vice President, National Security and International Policy

Max Bergmann, Senior Fellow, National Security and International Policy

Michael Fuchs, Senior Fellow, National Security and International Policy

Trevor Sutton, Senior Fellow, National Security and International Policy

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