Many in the United States and Ukraine are raising concerns over Ukraine’s domestic political trajectory in recent months. Opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko is under criminal investigation in what appears to be a pattern of selective prosecutions of political opponents amidst a marked decrease in the openness of the media environment. Meanwhile, President Viktor Yanukovych has cooperated with the U.S. government on nonproliferation and continues to engage with the European Union to negotiate a free trade deal as part of a broader association agreement. On Tuesday, April 26, CAP, along with the Institute for World Policy in Kyiv, hosted a video conference to discuss these seeming paradoxes.
This video conference, hosted by the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, featured Samuel Charap, Director for Russia and Eurasia at CAP; Katie Fox, deputy director of the Eurasia department at the National Democratic Institute; Lawrence Silverman, director of the Office of Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova at the U.S. Department of State; and William Taylor, former ambassador to Ukraine and currently vice president at the United States Institute of Peace.
The participants fielded questions from the audience in Kyiv.
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