In the News

Trust European allies on Iran

Lawrence Korb writes that by saying that they do not trust the intentions of some of our closest allies, opponents of the Iran agreement are arguing that the United States must go it alone.

In his decision to oppose the nuclear deal that six of the world’s major powers negotiated with Iran, Sen. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) echoed a number of the points that critics of the deal have continuously made.

Namely, a lack of anytime, anywhere inspections; the 24-day delay in inspecting non-declared sites; that the deal lasts only 10 years; that Iran cannot be trusted and will use the money it receives from sanctions relief to pursue harmful military and terrorist actions; and that if we go back to the negotiations, we could get a better deal.

But the senator adds a surprising new concern: We cannot trust our European allies to ensure that the deal will be correctly implemented.

The above excerpt was originally published in The Philadelphia Inquirer. Click here to view the full article.

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Lawrence J. Korb

Former Senior Fellow