From Biden to Trump: Off-Ramp or Accelerator to Middle East Conflict? ArticleDecember 12, 2024 From Biden to Trump: Off-Ramp or Accelerator to Middle East Conflict? How President Biden and President Trump manage their handoff, both their separate administrations and together during the transition, will have a powerful impact on whether forces of escalation or de-escalation in the Middle East prevail. Dec 12, 2024 Andrew Miller
Seeking a New Balance for U.S. Policy in the Middle East ReportSeptember 7, 2021 Seeking a New Balance for U.S. Policy in the Middle East The Biden administration signaled an effort to shift overall U.S. policy by prioritizing diplomacy and making some modest shifts on the military front, but key human security challenges loom on the horizon. Sep 7, 2021 Brian Katulis, Peter Juul
Northern Syria Security Dynamics and the Refugee Crisis ReportMay 26, 2021 Northern Syria Security Dynamics and the Refugee Crisis Ensuring stability in northern Syria will require international engagement that balances humanitarian concerns with the moral hazard created by Turkey’s occupation. May 26, 2021 Max Hoffman, Alan Makovsky
The First 100 Days: Toward a More Sustainable and Values-Based National Security Approach ReportOctober 19, 2020 The First 100 Days: Toward a More Sustainable and Values-Based National Security Approach An actionable plan for the next administration’s progressive national security agenda. Oct 19, 2020 the CAP National Security and International Policy Team
Interactive: The First 100 Days InteractiveOctober 19, 2020 Interactive: The First 100 Days This interactive database features nearly 250 recommendations that the next administration can advance, adopt, and implement within the first 100 days to set the country on a path toward a more progressive national security approach. Oct 19, 2020 the CAP National Security and International Policy Team
Trump’s Syria Shambles ReportOctober 24, 2019 Trump’s Syria Shambles President Trump’s withdrawal from Syria has thrown the region into chaos, shattered American credibility, and uncovered deep problems with U.S. policy toward Turkey. Oct 24, 2019 Max Hoffman
The State of the Turkish-Kurdish Conflict ReportAugust 12, 2019 The State of the Turkish-Kurdish Conflict The benefits of rapprochement between the Turkish government and Kurdish militants are clear, but hopes for an easing of tensions rest on shaky political ground. Aug 12, 2019 Max Hoffman
Rosamund Pike, Matthew Heineman, and Speaking Truth to Power Through Film PodcastNovember 15, 2018 Rosamund Pike, Matthew Heineman, and Speaking Truth to Power Through Film Actor Rosamund Pike and director Matthew Heineman sit down with Daniella and Ed to discuss their new film, "A Private War," which tells the story of Mary Colvin, a war journalist who died in 2012 while covering the war in Syria. Nov 15, 2018 Daniella Gibbs Léger, Ed Chung, Rachel Rosen, 1 More Kyle Epstein
‘Last Men in Aleppo’ Past EventFebruary 22, 2018 ‘Last Men in Aleppo’ A Reel Progress screening and discussion Feb 22, 2018
Reckless Endangerment: President Trump and the Use of Military Force ReportMay 1, 2017 Reckless Endangerment: President Trump and the Use of Military Force President Trump’s impulsive decision-making and reliance on the military as his primary foreign policy tool jeopardizes America’s national security. May 1, 2017 Peter Juul, Ken Gude
Trump’s First 100 Days in the Middle East ReportApril 26, 2017 Trump’s First 100 Days in the Middle East While President Trump has so far largely held off on his most reckless policy ideas, his first 100 days show both surprising continuity and troubling shifts that could undercut U.S. interests. Apr 26, 2017 Daniel Benaim
Trump Needs to Understand and Respect These 6 Basic Rules of Counterterrorism ArticleMarch 29, 2017 Trump Needs to Understand and Respect These 6 Basic Rules of Counterterrorism President Trump is ignoring cardinal rules of effective counterterrorism to the detriment of American security and the benefit of the nation’s enemies. Mar 29, 2017 Yoram Schweitzer, Hardin Lang
Trump’s Muslim Ban Underscores the Need for National Resistance ArticleFebruary 3, 2017 Trump’s Muslim Ban Underscores the Need for National Resistance The Trump administration’s Muslim ban is a troubling glimpse into the disastrous policies and poor management that the nation is likely to face over the next four years. Feb 3, 2017 Sam Fulwood III
Trump’s Reckless Muslim Ban Makes Americans Less Safe ArticleJanuary 30, 2017 Trump’s Reckless Muslim Ban Makes Americans Less Safe No Americans have ever been killed in a terrorist attack in the United States by a national from the banned countries. Jan 30, 2017 Ken Gude
Defending an American Tradition, Communities Welcome Syrian Refugees ArticleJanuary 27, 2017 Defending an American Tradition, Communities Welcome Syrian Refugees Communities in the United States are successfully resettling and integrating thousands of Syrian refugees, even as President Trump plans to ban refugee admissions from Syria. Jan 27, 2017 Silva Mathema
U.S. and Russia Relations Under Trump and Putin ReportDecember 14, 2016 U.S. and Russia Relations Under Trump and Putin The United States will need to engage Russia, and the incoming Trump administration must determine if it will challenge Russia where necessary. Dec 14, 2016 William Danvers
Syrian Immigrants in the United States ReportDecember 13, 2016 Syrian Immigrants in the United States Syrian immigrants are thriving members of American society and represent a strong receiving community for new refugees. Dec 13, 2016 David Dyssegaard Kallick, Cyierra Roldan, Silva Mathema
Leveraging U.S. Power in the Middle East ReportOctober 19, 2016 Leveraging U.S. Power in the Middle East The next U.S. administration should advance a long-term affirmative agenda that deepens engagement with long-standing partners, builds a new framework for regional cooperation, and utilizes America’s unique leverage and assets to advance U.S. interests and values. Oct 19, 2016 the CAP Middle East Team
The Crisis in Turkish-Russian Relations ReportMay 10, 2016 The Crisis in Turkish-Russian Relations Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet ended an unusual period of Turkish-Russian détente and limited Ankara’s options in Syria. May 10, 2016 Soli Özel
Learning from the Past and Accepting Refugees ArticleApril 15, 2016 Learning from the Past and Accepting Refugees The United States has faced decisions on whether to shelter refugees throughout its history and faces a similar question today. We must not repeat the mistakes of the past. Apr 15, 2016 Sanam Malik
After the Paris Attacks ReportNovember 19, 2015 After the Paris Attacks To turn the tide against ISIS, America needs to step up its military and diplomatic campaign and reject voices calling for the country to turn against refugees and Muslims. Nov 19, 2015 Vikram Singh, Ken Gude, Peter Juul, 3 More William F. Wechsler, Hardin Lang, Brian Katulis
Infographic: The Screening Process for Entry to the United States for Syrian Refugees ArticleNovember 18, 2015 Infographic: The Screening Process for Entry to the United States for Syrian Refugees Syrian refugees face a long security screening process before being admitted for entry to the United States that is specially designed to mitigate any threats and helps ensure Americans are not placed in harm’s way. Nov 18, 2015
America at Its Best ArticleNovember 18, 2015 America at Its Best Welcoming Syrian refugees is a moral and security imperative that can be accomplished safely. Nov 18, 2015 Tom Jawetz, Ken Gude