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How Cuts to NIH Research Funding Would Hurt States Article
A sign stands near an entrance to the National Institutes of Health.

How Cuts to NIH Research Funding Would Hurt States

Proposed changes to the National Institutes of Health’s $48 billion budget would risk jobs, threaten state economies, and hamper progress toward prevention and treatment of diseases such as cancer.

Marquisha Johns

2024 Affordable Care Act Marketplace Plan Selections by Congressional District Interactive
A staff nurse checks a patient at a hospital.

2024 Affordable Care Act Marketplace Plan Selections by Congressional District

A new CAP interactive explores the proportion of nonelderly people who made federally facilitated marketplace plan selections during the 2024 open enrollment period by congressional district. Without congressional action, consumers will lose the enhanced financial assistance that supported record levels of enrollment.

Nicole Rapfogel

Monthly Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Savings by State Interactive
Farxiga, Xarelto, Entresto, and Eliquis are made available to customers at the New City Halsted Pharmacy in Chicago.

Monthly Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Savings by State

Medicare drug price negotiation will result in thousands of dollars in net price savings for 30-day supplies of the first 10 drugs undergoing negotiation; here’s how those savings add up state by state.

Nicole Rapfogel

North Carolina Wolfspeed Materials Efficient Silicon Carbide Facility Article
President Joe Biden speaks outside of a building at a podium in front of a crowd including construction workers.

North Carolina Wolfspeed Materials Efficient Silicon Carbide Facility

Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide Materials is building a new facility in North Carolina to expand production and become the largest plant using silicon carbide to make semiconductor chips.

North Carolina Rail Car Factory Article

North Carolina Rail Car Factory

This investment will expand the Siemens Rail Car Factory’s capability to produce rail cars to keep up with America’s quickly expanding rail infrastructure.

North Carolina Applied Materials Battery Plant Article

North Carolina Applied Materials Battery Plant

Applied Materials Inc. is opening yet another battery manufacturing plant in North Carolina, where it will more than match a grant provided by the federal government.

Government can actually work, just ask Maysville In the News

Government can actually work, just ask Maysville

Maysville, North Carolina, Town Manager Schumata Brown writes about how PFAS contamination has affected his rural community for years. With funding from the infrastructure law, the Biden administration is delivering much-needed funding for water infrastructure to rural communities.

the New Bern Sun Journal

Schumata Brown

Fact Sheet: North Carolina’s Strategic Transportation Investments Law Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: North Carolina’s Strategic Transportation Investments Law

North Carolina’s transportation project prioritization framework locks in highway investments at the expense of projects that would provide sustainable and affordable alternatives to driving, including public and active transportation such as biking and walking.

Kevin DeGood

North Carolina’s Strategic Transportation Investments Law Is a Barrier to Progressive Transportation Report

North Carolina’s Strategic Transportation Investments Law Is a Barrier to Progressive Transportation

North Carolina’s transportation project prioritization framework locks in highway investments at the expense of projects that would provide sustainable and affordable alternatives to driving, including public and active transportation such as biking and walking.

Kevin DeGood

Some States Are Ready To Punish Abortion in a Post-Roe World Report
Reproductive health advocates rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court.

Some States Are Ready To Punish Abortion in a Post-Roe World

For generations, Americans have known abortion to be a fundamental right; if Roe v. Wade is overturned, some states will quickly make it a crime.

Elyssa Spitzer

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