Public’s Dos and Don’ts on Handling the Fiscal Showdown ArticleDecember 17, 2012 Public’s Dos and Don’ts on Handling the Fiscal Showdown The public has clear opinions on its priorities for the fiscal showdown and sequestration. Dec 17, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
Public Supports Increased Spending in Key Areas ArticleDecember 10, 2012 Public Supports Increased Spending in Key Areas Conservatives may be allergic to spending on the unemployed and our social needs but the public clearly is not. Dec 10, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
2 Things the Public Wants Policymakers to Remember ArticleDecember 3, 2012 2 Things the Public Wants Policymakers to Remember Americans think it’s time to raise taxes on the rich, and they don’t want to raise the Medicare eligibility age. Dec 3, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
Public Turns Against Repeal of Obamacare ArticleNovember 19, 2012 Public Turns Against Repeal of Obamacare Americans want the Affordable Care Act to continue as law. Nov 19, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
What Do the Voters Want? ArticleNovember 13, 2012 What Do the Voters Want? A recent post-election poll shows what American voters believe about our nation’s policy priorities and our road forward. Nov 13, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
Public Rejects ‘You’re on Your Own’ Economics ArticleNovember 5, 2012 Public Rejects ‘You’re on Your Own’ Economics Most Americans think government help for the poor is a good thing. Nov 5, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
Public Supports Raising Taxes on the Rich, Opposes Repealing Obamacare ArticleOctober 30, 2012 Public Supports Raising Taxes on the Rich, Opposes Repealing Obamacare Most Americans don’t support conservatives’ sacred causes of not raising taxes on the rich and doing away with the Affordable Care Act. Oct 30, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
Public Wants to Give Legalization a Chance ArticleOctober 15, 2012 Public Wants to Give Legalization a Chance Conservatives may be fixated on deporting unauthorized immigrants but the public clearly isn’t. Oct 15, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
The Public Blames Bush and Favoring the Wealthy for Our Economic Problems ArticleOctober 9, 2012 The Public Blames Bush and Favoring the Wealthy for Our Economic Problems Americans don’t think that President Obama and overregulation of the free market are to blame for our economic troubles. Oct 9, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
Just Say No to Voucherizing Medicare ArticleOctober 1, 2012 Just Say No to Voucherizing Medicare The idea of transforming Medicare into a voucher program started out unpopular, and is just becoming less so. Oct 1, 2012 Ruy Teixeira
Are We Past the Tipping Point on Support for Marriage Equality? ArticleSeptember 24, 2012 Are We Past the Tipping Point on Support for Marriage Equality? Majority support for marriage equality is now the norm among the American public. Sep 24, 2012
Stimulus Plan Not So Bad After All ArticleSeptember 17, 2012 Stimulus Plan Not So Bad After All Americans think the economic stimulus program was the right thing to do. Sep 17, 2012 Ruy Teixeira