Repealing the Affordable Care Act Would Have Devastating Impacts on LGBTQ People ArticleOctober 15, 2020 Repealing the Affordable Care Act Would Have Devastating Impacts on LGBTQ People New nationally representative data reveal significant gains for LGBTQ people under the Affordable Care Act. Oct 15, 2020 Caroline Medina, Lindsay Mahowald
Repealing the ACA Would Create Chaos for the Disability Community During a Pandemic ArticleOctober 9, 2020 Repealing the ACA Would Create Chaos for the Disability Community During a Pandemic Repealing the Affordable Care Act would lead to chaos, risk, and harm for the disability community. Oct 9, 2020 Rebecca Cokley
The Chaos of Repealing the Affordable Care Act During the Coronavirus Pandemic ArticleOctober 1, 2020 The Chaos of Repealing the Affordable Care Act During the Coronavirus Pandemic ACA repeal during the coronavirus pandemic would be catastrophic for individual and public health. Oct 1, 2020 Nicole Rapfogel, Maura Calsyn, Colin Seeberger
Repealing the ACA Would Put Millions at Risk While Giving Big Tax Cuts to the Very Wealthy ArticleSeptember 29, 2020 Repealing the ACA Would Put Millions at Risk While Giving Big Tax Cuts to the Very Wealthy A repeal of the Affordable Care Act through the courts would be a massive transfer of money from low- and moderate-income Americans to high-income Americans. Sep 29, 2020 Seth Hanlon, Andres Vinelli, Christian E. Weller
Less Coverage and Higher Costs: The Trump’s Administration’s Health Care Legacy ArticleSeptember 25, 2020 Less Coverage and Higher Costs: The Trump’s Administration’s Health Care Legacy The president has failed to deliver on his promises to “take care of everybody.” Sep 25, 2020 Emily Gee
The ACA Marketplaces Are Poised To Weather COVID-19 ReportAugust 21, 2020 The ACA Marketplaces Are Poised To Weather COVID-19 People who lose job-based health insurance coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic can rely on the marketplaces. Aug 21, 2020 Emily Gee, Charles Gaba, Nicole Rapfogel
The Health Care Repeal Lawsuit Could Strip Coverage from 23 Million Americans ArticleJune 24, 2020 The Health Care Repeal Lawsuit Could Strip Coverage from 23 Million Americans Many people who lose their jobs during the pandemic are relying on the ACA for health insurance. Jun 24, 2020 Nicole Rapfogel, Emily Gee
Trump’s Newest Anti-Health Care Nominees to the Appellate Bench ArticleMay 5, 2020 Trump’s Newest Anti-Health Care Nominees to the Appellate Bench Two of President Trump’s most recent judicial nominees demonstrate his disregard for those who need health care across the country. May 5, 2020 Maggie Jo Buchanan
10 Ways the ACA Has Improved Health Care in the Past Decade ArticleMarch 23, 2020 10 Ways the ACA Has Improved Health Care in the Past Decade The health care law provides coverage for millions of Americans and protects people with preexisting conditions, but it remains under threat from a Trump administration-backed lawsuit. Mar 23, 2020 Nicole Rapfogel, Emily Gee, Maura Calsyn
Affordable Care Act Repeal by State InteractiveMarch 2, 2020 Affordable Care Act Repeal by State This interactive allows users to see the harms that would result if the Affordable Care Act were repealed, with data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Mar 2, 2020 Nicole Rapfogel, Emily Gee, Mathew Brady
Chief Justice Roberts and the Legitimacy of the Judiciary ArticleFebruary 27, 2020 Chief Justice Roberts and the Legitimacy of the Judiciary As the Trump administration ramps up its attacks on the judiciary, this year’s Supreme Court docket has the potential to define the legacy of the Roberts court. Feb 27, 2020 Maggie Jo Buchanan
Court Ruling Against ACA Hurts Patients and Destabilizes Health Insurance Markets ArticleDecember 19, 2019 Court Ruling Against ACA Hurts Patients and Destabilizes Health Insurance Markets The appeals court in the Texas v. United States health care repeal lawsuit ruled the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate unconstitutional but left in doubt the rest of the law, fueling uncertainty that could harm markets in the near term. Dec 19, 2019 Nicole Rapfogel, Emily Gee, Charles Gaba
Number of Americans With Preexisting Conditions by District for the 116th Congress ArticleOctober 2, 2019 Number of Americans With Preexisting Conditions by District for the 116th Congress People with preexisting conditions would lose protections against discrimination by insurance companies under repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Oct 2, 2019 Emily Gee
If the ACA Is Repealed Under Texas v. Azar, Millions Will Lose Health Insurance Coverage ArticleJuly 9, 2019 If the ACA Is Repealed Under Texas v. Azar, Millions Will Lose Health Insurance Coverage An average of 45,600 people would lose coverage in each congressional district if the ACA were repealed. Jul 9, 2019 Emily Gee, Charles Gaba
Conservatives Are Using the Courts to Attack Health Care for All Americans ArticleDecember 20, 2018 Conservatives Are Using the Courts to Attack Health Care for All Americans Overturning the Affordable Care Act would negatively affect Medicare, Medicaid, employer coverage, and individual coverage. Dec 20, 2018 Sam Berger, Emily Gee
New Scam Pre-Existing Conditions Bill Provides No Cover to Vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh ArticleAugust 30, 2018 New Scam Pre-Existing Conditions Bill Provides No Cover to Vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh A new proposal augments the threat Judge Kavanaugh poses to people with pre-existing conditions. Aug 30, 2018 Colin Seeberger, Jake Faleschini
The New Supreme Court Vacancy Could Put the Affordable Care Act at Risk ArticleJune 29, 2018 The New Supreme Court Vacancy Could Put the Affordable Care Act at Risk If a Texas lawsuit against the ACA reaches the Supreme Court, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s replacement could rule on the future of health care for millions of Americans. Jun 29, 2018 Thomas Huelskoetter