Legal Progress

Legal Progress is the legal policy program at the Center for American Progress. No matter the issue—health care, immigration, marriage equality, offshore oil drilling, privacy, ethics—the judiciary will continue to play an increasingly important role in the lives of hardworking Americans as well as in the success of the progressive legislative agenda. Through legal and policy analysis, communications and public education and convening key stakeholders, Legal Progress is helping to push the American legal system in a more progressive direction and educate the public about the impact of the courts on issues they care most about.


Why Courts Matter Video

Why Courts Matter

The federal courts will have an enormous impact on our lives and the future of the law. It's time progressives start making who sits on these courts a part of their advocacy efforts.

Sandhya Bathija, Andrew Blotky

We the People Video

We the People

A panel from the American Idea Conference examines the idea that the core values enshrined in the U.S. Constitution are the same values that have made America exceptional since its founding.

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