Why Courts Matter in the Trump Era VideoMay 7, 2018 Why Courts Matter in the Trump Era The importance of the federal court system becomes increasingly apparent as the Trump administration attacks fundamental American values and protections. May 7, 2018 Jake Faleschini, Meghan Miller, Jasmine Hardy
Senate Republicans Might Kill This Centurylong Tradition to Stack the Courts with Trump’s Nominees VideoSeptember 7, 2017 Senate Republicans Might Kill This Centurylong Tradition to Stack the Courts with Trump’s Nominees The elimination of the blue slip rule would allow President Donald Trump to radically reshape the judiciary. Sep 7, 2017 Anisha Singh, Aki Suzuki, Andrew Satter
The Not-So-Secret Attack on Our Voting Rights VideoJuly 19, 2017 The Not-So-Secret Attack on Our Voting Rights With voting rights under attack at both the state and national levels, we asked Sarah Audelo of the Alliance for Youth Action and Shaneice Simmons of Rock the Vote to talk about how progressives can fight back to make voting more convenient and accessible. Jul 19, 2017 Andrew Satter, Raman Preet Kaur
5 Things You Need to Know About Judge Gorsuch VideoFebruary 1, 2017 5 Things You Need to Know About Judge Gorsuch President Donald Trump has nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the currently vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Here are five things you need to know about Judge Gorsuch. Feb 1, 2017 Andrew Satter, Aki Suzuki, Billy Corriher, 1 More Jake Faleschini
Dirty Money, Dirty Water II VideoJanuary 9, 2017 Dirty Money, Dirty Water II The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that municipalities cannot regulate fracking waste, but many of the justices who made this decision received large campaign contributions from fracking companies and fossil fuel interests. Jan 9, 2017 Billy Corriher, Lauren Malkani
5 Things You Need to Know About Sen. Jeff Sessions VideoJanuary 3, 2017 5 Things You Need to Know About Sen. Jeff Sessions Here are five things that Americans need to know about attorney general nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions. Jan 3, 2017 Andrew Satter, Billy Corriher, Jake Faleschini
Why Courts Matter VideoApril 11, 2016 Why Courts Matter With a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, CAP asked scholars, litigators, and thought leaders why courts matter to them. Apr 11, 2016 Andrew Satter, Jake Faleschini, Abby Bar-Lev Wiley, 1 More Alyssa Jones
Just a Judge VideoDecember 8, 2015 Just a Judge Follow the journey of a federal judicial nominee from appointment to confirmation, and see the many ways justice can be delayed along the way. Dec 8, 2015 Anisha Singh, Kulsum Ebrahim
Dirty Water, Dirty Money: Coal Ash and the Attack on North Carolina’s Courts VideoJanuary 21, 2015 Dirty Water, Dirty Money: Coal Ash and the Attack on North Carolina’s Courts This new minidocumentary from Legal Progress showcases the real human impact of special interest money that is infiltrating judicial elections by featuring one North Carolina family’s story of how coal ash pollution poisoned their community. Jan 21, 2015 Lauren Malkani, Billy Corriher, Sean Wright
In Texas, No Justice for Injured Patients VideoOctober 21, 2014 In Texas, No Justice for Injured Patients This new video from Legal Progress documents the damaging effects of Texas’ 2003 tort reform legislation, which makes it virtually impossible for emergency room patients to hold hospitals accountable for medical malpractice. Oct 21, 2014 Billy Corriher