Center for American Progress

Taking Back Control of the Fight against Terrorists
Press Release

Taking Back Control of the Fight against Terrorists

A Progressive Strategy to Make America Safer and Protect Americans

Washington, D.C. – On the same day President Bush is to address the United Nations and describe his failed vision of spreading freedom, the Center for American Progress Action Fund releases a new report containing a progressive agenda for taking back control of the fight against terrorists.

The report, Taking Control of the Fight against Terrorists: A Progressive Strategy to Protect Americans, recommends 10 real solutions for regaining control lost by the Bush administration. The strategy also provides an analysis of the perilous situation facing the security of the United States following the administration’s numerous shortcomings and failures. Included in the report are shocking results from the “Terrorism Index,” a survey of over 100 top national security experts from across the political spectrum.

In greater detail, the agenda recommends the following points:

  • Change the course in Iraq and complete the military mission at a time of our choosing
  • Restore U.S. military readiness
  • Go on the offensive against the real enemy in the right way
  • Secure nuclear materials and facilities vulnerable to terrorist groups
  • Bring terrorists to justice
  • Win the battle of ideas
  • Resolve conflicts that fuel terrorist groups
  • Support realistic political reform and economic development
  • Protect Americans at home
  • Reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil
  • Click Here to Read the Full Report