Washington, D.C. — Today, the bipartisan House Ethics Committee released a report finding “substantial evidence” that Rep. George Santos (R-NY) violated federal law. The report found that his conduct has been “beneath the dignity of the office” and has brought “severe discredit upon the House.” In response, Patrick Gaspard, president and CEO of the Center for American Progress, issued the following statement:
If conservatives in the House had an ounce of integrity, they would expel Rep. George Santos immediately. We already knew Santos was elected to Congress on a web of lies and deceit. This bipartisan report offers even more disturbing revelations confirming his brazen misuse of campaign funds, false campaign filings, and attempts to defraud donors. The shocking level of alleged criminal misconduct and corruption at every turn defies belief and does a complete disservice to his constituents. His continued presence in Congress is a disgrace. If he won’t resign, expulsion is the only option.
For more information or to speak with an expert, please contact Sam Hananel at [email protected].