WASHINGTON, DC—On behalf of the Center for American Progress I applaud the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions for launching congressional deliberations on health reform with a strong commitment to assuring affordable health care for all Americans. We know there is work still to be done on the chairman’s proposal, but we welcome the committee’s commitments to affordability, quality, prevention, and choice key elements of meaningful health reform. We look forward to developments on shared responsibility and a public health insurance option.
I am particularly pleased that the committee recognizes that the economic and health security of our nation’s families requires affordable long-term supports and services as well as affordable health care for people who need both.
We at CAP believe that the United States cannot solve its economic crisis or place the nation on a sustainable fiscal path without controlling skyrocketing health care costs and covering everyone.
I look forward to the committee sending a solid reform bill to the Senate floor soon.
Judy Feder is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress