Washington, D.C. — Today, The New York Times reported on new details about the FBI’s handling of sexual assault allegations made against Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his 2018 confirmation hearing. In response, Maggie Jo Buchanan, director of Courts and Legal Reform at the Center for American Progress, issued the following statement:
The Supreme Court plays a critical role in the life of every person in America. During Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, serious allegations of sexual assault were brought forward that called into question the now-justice’s character and truthfulness. Today’s news strongly suggests that those in power during his hearings didn’t respect the need for a full vetting of Kavanaugh’s background nor the harms of sexual abuse. This miscarriage of justice fails not only the many survivors across the country traumatized by the Senate’s handling of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony but also the American people writ large. Every day, far too many choose not to come forward after being assaulted because they fear they won’t be taken seriously. To improve this unacceptable reality, it is imperative that officials demonstrate they understand the seriousness of sexual abuse and are willing to hold the powerful accountable.
We join those calling for a full and meaningful investigation into the actions of the FBI and the previous administration’s White House counsel in this matter.
For more information or to speak to an expert, contact Julia Cusick at [email protected].