Washington, D.C. — In reaction to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ notice of proposed rule making released today on accountable care organization specifications, Center for American Progress Senior Fellows Judy Feder and David Cutler released the following statement:
"With this proposed rule, CMS shows it is leading the way in improving the quality and lowering the cost growth of medical care.
As CBO confirms, the Affordable Care Act already brings the rate of growth in Medicare costs per beneficiary below the rate of growth in the economy. Along with a variety of other payment reforms yet to come, the accountable care organization program will not simply slow cost growth but help transform medical care from a high-cost system with variable quality to one with high quality and lower costs. And it will do so by helping providers move accountably from ‘here to there’ with an appropriate mix of rewards and responsibilities. We look forward to further and supportive action from CMS and remain very optimistic about the likely impact of the Affordable Care Act in improving our health care system."
In addition to serving as CAP Senior Fellows, Judy Feder is a professor of public policy at Georgetown University and David Cutler is a professor of economics at Harvard University.