Center for American Progress

RELEASE: CAP Report Assesses Progress in Teacher Preparation and State Accountability
Press Release

RELEASE: CAP Report Assesses Progress in Teacher Preparation and State Accountability

Washington, D.C. — The Center for American Progress released a new report today that details the progress of the 2010 winners of the Obama administration’s signature Race to the Top education program. Titled "Getting Better at Teacher Preparation and State Accountability" by Edward Crowe, the report presents new information about the specifics of each state’s goals, activities, and challenges as part of their commitments to improve teacher education, and strengthen public disclosure and accountability of program performance.

The report describes the key findings in separate profiles of the twelve winners: Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and the District of Columbia. The paper cites examples where important changes are promised and seem likely to happen. It also notes weaknesses or areas needing improvement. An overview of the combined efforts of the states and the District of Columbia shows that:

  • Persistence in teaching by education program graduates will be disclosed publicly by five of the 12 winners. Only two states, however, will change their teacher-education accountability regulations and use programwide persistence rates for program accountability.
  • Six of the 12 winners will use data on job placement of teacher-preparation program graduates for public disclosure of program performance.
  • Only four recipients will publically report the percentage of each education preparation program’s graduates who attain advanced licensure.
  • Student-achievement outcomes will be used by all 12 grantees for public disclosure of teaching effectiveness of program graduates.

Based on analysis of the winners, the paper also makes the following policy recommendations aimed at maximizing the potential for change through the Race to the Top program:

  • Develop high-quality state data reporting systems.
  • Pilot stronger measures of preparation-program accountability.
  • Monitor state performance.
  • Work to close the gaps in a fragmented accountability system.

"We strongly urge all states—with or without Race to the Top funds—to learn from the findings and implement the recommendations outlined in this report to improve the accountability efforts for teacher education programs," said Cynthia Brown, Vice President for Education Policy at CAP.

Read the report:
Getting Better at Teacher Preparation and State Accountability: Strategies, Innovations, and Challenges under the Federal Race to the Top Program

See also:
Race to the Top and Teacher Preparation: Analyzing State Strategies for Ensuring Real Accountability and Fostering Program Innovation

To speak with the CAP experts on this topic, contact Katie Peters at [email protected] or 202.741.6285.
