October 17, 2008, 10:00am – 12:00pm
The baby boomer generation’s looming retirement and the requirement of college-level skills to compete in today’s fast-changing economic landscape have recharged our public dialogue about postsecondary education. However, this dialogue focuses too much on making college affordable and not enough about making sure students finish their degrees.
These problems demand approaches for college access and success. In particular, the college access and degree completion challenges of out-of-school youth and working adults are miner’s canaries. That is, they point to the innovations that are needed to make our system of postsecondary education student-focused and able to deliver custom learning experiences across agencies and institutions to yield student success.
Join the Center for American Progress as it releases two new papers that lay out policy recommendations for an innovation process that addresses the access, learning, and completion needs of disconnected youth and working adults.
Welcome and Introduction:
Louis Soares, Director, Economic Mobility Program, Center for American Progress
Opening Remarks:
Thomas Perez, Secretary of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, State of Maryland
Featured Panelists and Discussants:
Linda Harris, Director of Youth Policy at the Center for Law and Social Policy
Evelyn Ganzglass, Director of Workforce Development, Center for Law and Social Policy
Christopher Mazzeo, Associate Director for Policy and Outreach, CCSR
Derek Price, Principal owner, DVP-PRAXIS, LTD
Mala Thakur, Executive Director, National Youth Employment Coalition
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