Center for American Progress

ADVISORY: Advancing Opportunity in New York City: Next Steps for the City, Lessons for the Nation
Press Advisory

ADVISORY: Advancing Opportunity in New York City: Next Steps for the City, Lessons for the Nation

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 9:00am – 10:30am

WASHINGTON, DC—In 2006, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg created a Commission for Economic Opportunity to analyze the causes, scope, and consequences of poverty in New York City. In response to the Commission’s report, the Mayor established a Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO) to test and implement an ambitious set of initiatives to address poverty, combined with rigorous evaluation. The wide range of initiatives particularly target the needs of young adults, the working poor and children.

On April 21, 2009, the Center for Economic Opportunity will release its 2nd Annual Report, describing progress to date, highlighting the initiatives that are and are not working, and describing its future plans. Mayor Bloomberg will discuss the lessons and insights from New York City’s initiatives, as well as New York City’s proposal for a Federal Urban Innovation Fund to fight poverty. After he speaks, a panel will explore the New York City experience in greater detail, and discuss its relevance for addressing urban poverty and federal poverty policy in the Obama Administration.

If you are a member of the press, please email Jason Rahlan at [email protected] to RSVP

Featured Remarks:

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, New York City

Introduction by:

John Podesta, President and CEO, Center for American Progress

Panel Discussion:

Derek Douglas, Special Assistant to the President for Urban Affairs

Linda Gibbs, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services, New York City

Ron Haskins, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Moderated by:

Mark Greenberg, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress


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