Repealing Health Reform Would Mean Billions More in Administrative Costs ReportAugust 5, 2010 Repealing Health Reform Would Mean Billions More in Administrative Costs Sonia Sekhar explains why repealing the Affordable Care Act would hurt consumers who today buy insurance on the individual market. Aug 5, 2010 Sonia Sekhar
Health Reform Helps Millions with Chronic Conditions InteractiveJune 17, 2010 Health Reform Helps Millions with Chronic Conditions The nearly 72 million Americans with chronic conditions possibly have the most to gain from the new health reform law, as this interactive map shows. Jun 17, 2010 Sonia Sekhar
The Significance of Childhood Obesity in Communities of Color ReportJune 14, 2010 The Significance of Childhood Obesity in Communities of Color Policies to address childhood obesity must address factors that affect minority populations to be effective, writes Sonia Sekhar. Jun 14, 2010 Sonia Sekhar
Interactive Calculator: Health Reform Helps Small Businesses InteractiveJune 10, 2010 Interactive Calculator: Health Reform Helps Small Businesses Updated small business calculator shows what benefits small businesses are eligible for under the new health reform law according to new Treasury Department guidance. Jun 10, 2010 Sonia Sekhar
Tackling the Obesity Epidemic ReportMay 24, 2010 Tackling the Obesity Epidemic Rising U.S. obesity rates are leading to declining health and high health care costs, but provisions in the health reform bill are already beginning to address some of these challenges, write Ellen-Marie Whelan and Sonia Sekhar. May 24, 2010 Ellen-Marie Whelan, Sonia Sekhar
Confronting America’s Childhood Obesity Epidemic ReportMay 10, 2010 Confronting America’s Childhood Obesity Epidemic Report from Ellen-Marie Whelan, Lesley Russell, and Sonia Sekhar examines how recently passed health care legislation will address the childhood obesity epidemic. May 10, 2010 Ellen-Marie Whelan, Lesley Russell, Sonia Sekhar
Interactive Health Care Calculator for Small Businesses InteractiveApril 5, 2010 Interactive Health Care Calculator for Small Businesses This calculator helps small business figure out what new subsidies they are eligible for, and how they will gain from provisions in the health care reform bill. Apr 5, 2010 Sonia Sekhar
Unraveling Health Care Reform Would Leave Millions with Less Affordable Care ReportMarch 30, 2010 Unraveling Health Care Reform Would Leave Millions with Less Affordable Care Analysis from Karen Davenport and Sonia Sekhar shows health reform would bring direct help to Americans in every state, but not if attorneys general stand in the way. Mar 30, 2010 Karen Davenport, Sonia Sekhar
Fact Sheet: Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities ArticleDecember 17, 2009 Fact Sheet: Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Fact sheet details the gap that racial and ethnic minorities face in health care access, quality, and coverage, and how health reform can help. Dec 17, 2009 Sonia Sekhar
Interactive Map: American Workers Are Rapidly Losing Health Coverage ReportNovember 6, 2009 Interactive Map: American Workers Are Rapidly Losing Health Coverage Interactive map shows that nearly one in five working adults lack health insurance, and 60 percent of the uninsured are employed. Nov 6, 2009 Sonia Sekhar
Interactive Map: Insurance Market Concentration Creates Fewer Choices ReportNovember 5, 2009 Interactive Map: Insurance Market Concentration Creates Fewer Choices Interactive map from Karen Davenport and Sonia Sekhar shows that one carrier dominates the market in 17 states, and two dominate in 22 more. Nov 5, 2009 Karen Davenport, Sonia Sekhar
Better Health Through Better Information ArticleSeptember 29, 2009 Better Health Through Better Information Issue brief from Ellen-Marie Whelan and Sonia Sekhar explains how comparative effectiveness research will help deliver better health care. Sep 29, 2009 Ellen-Marie Whelan, Sonia Sekhar