SHOPping Around ReportJuly 6, 2011 SHOPping Around Terry Gardiner and Isabel Perera provide a roadmap for states, policymakers, health reform advocates, and small-business leaders as they begin to create SHOP exchanges. Jul 6, 2011 Terry Gardiner, Isabel Perera
Better Health Means Better Business ReportJune 8, 2011 Better Health Means Better Business Isabel Perera and Lesley Russell explain how minority small business owners, their employees, and their families will benefit from the Affordable Care Act. Jun 8, 2011 Isabel Perera, Lesley Russell
Dismantling the Affordable Care Act Leaves Millions Vulnerable ArticleFebruary 16, 2011 Dismantling the Affordable Care Act Leaves Millions Vulnerable Failing to fully implement the Affordable Care Act would unfairly penalize millions of Americans with asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Feb 16, 2011 Isabel Perera
Higher Tolls on the Roadmap ReportFebruary 15, 2011 Higher Tolls on the Roadmap Karen Davenport and Isabel Perera estimate the new costs that Americans with Medicare coverage will bear under Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal. Feb 15, 2011 Karen Davenport, Isabel Perera