Infographic: A Closer Look at the NCLB Waivers ArticleJuly 27, 2012 Infographic: A Closer Look at the NCLB Waivers An infographic from Theodora Chang and Isabel Owen takes a look at waivers to the No Child Left Behind Act. Jul 27, 2012 Theodora Chang, Isabel Owen
No Child Left Behind Waivers ReportJuly 27, 2012 No Child Left Behind Waivers Jeremy Ayers and Isabel Owen, with the help of Glenda Partee and Theodora Chang, outline themes across state applications to waive certain parts of No Child Left Behind, and offer recommendations for states and the Department of Education for the future. Jul 27, 2012 Jeremy Ayers, Isabel Owen
States Need to Fill in the Gaps on Expanded Learning Time ReportApril 18, 2012 States Need to Fill in the Gaps on Expanded Learning Time Isabel Owen looks at state plans to increase learning time and how states aim to use the additional time well. Apr 18, 2012 Isabel Owen
Take Your Time ArticleSeptember 30, 2011 roguelazer)" data-srcset=" 610w, 610w, 610w, 500w, 250w" data-sizes="auto" /> roguelazer)"> Take Your Time States granted a waiver from the administration under No Child Left Behind should take advantage of the option to use funding to expand learning time, argues Isabel Owen. Sep 30, 2011 Isabel Owen
Who Is Your Chief State School Officer? In the NewsSeptember 13, 2011 Who Is Your Chief State School Officer? Isabel Owen and Daniel Lautzenheiser on the increasingly heavy burdens of chief state school officers in Education Week. Sep 13, 2011 Education Week Isabel Owen, Daniel K. Lautzenheiser
State Education Agencies as Agents of Change ReportJuly 27, 2011 State Education Agencies as Agents of Change Cynthia G. Brown, Frederick M. Hess, Daniel K. Lautzenheiser, and Isabel Owen examine state education agencies and recommend ways for these agencies to help public schools better serve our children. Jul 27, 2011 Cynthia G. Brown, Frederick M. Hess, Daniel K. Lautzenheiser, 1 More Isabel Owen
Time Matters ArticleApril 15, 2011 Time Matters Students need more time in school to prepare for college and careers in an increasingly competitive global economy, and a new bill will help them get it, writes Isabel Owen. Apr 15, 2011 Isabel Owen
Breaking the Mold ReportSeptember 22, 2010 Breaking the Mold Isabel Owen examines two schoolwide reform models that challenge the rigid boundaries of the conventional school model in order to close the achievement gap. Sep 22, 2010 Isabel Owen
Union and District Partnerships to Expand Learning Time ReportNovember 18, 2009 Union and District Partnerships to Expand Learning Time Report from Melissa Lazarin and Isabel Owen examines three collaborations between unions and school districts to expand learning time. Nov 18, 2009 Melissa Lazarín, Isabel Owen