
David Lutton


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Dodd-Frank Financial Reform After 2 Years Report

Dodd-Frank Financial Reform After 2 Years

Jennifer Erickson, Tamara Fucile, and David J. Lutton present five concrete ways that our financial markets are stronger now, two years after the signing of Dodd-Frank, and five concrete things that can make them even stronger.

Jennifer Erickson, Tamara Fucile, David Lutton

A View from the Precipice of the Euro Crisis Article
Antonis Samaras, leader of the conservative and probailout New Democracy party in Greece, speaks during an election rally in June. His party's victory in the recent elections means Greece will likely remain in the eurozone for now.
  (AP/Nikolas Giakoumidis)

A View from the Precipice of the Euro Crisis

David Lutton gives an overview of proposals to solve the European debt disaster and explains which ones leaders should seriously consider at this week’s G-20 meeting.

David Lutton