Preparing for Growth ReportMay 9, 2011 Preparing for Growth Christi Chadwick and Julie Kowal examine how charter management organizations can address human capital needs. May 9, 2011 Christi Chadwick, Julie Kowal
Beyond Classroom Walls ReportApril 14, 2011 Beyond Classroom Walls Julie Kowal and Dana Brinson explain how innovative school staffing models can positively impact students. Apr 14, 2011 Julie Kowal, Dana Brinson
Financial Incentives for Hard-to-Staff Positions ReportNovember 20, 2008 Financial Incentives for Hard-to-Staff Positions CAP presents a report from Public Impact about how to handle hard-to-staff positions in education based on research from other sectors. Nov 20, 2008 Julie Kowal, Bryan C. Hassel, Emily Ayscue Hassel
Teacher Compensation in Charter and Private Schools ReportFebruary 6, 2007 Teacher Compensation in Charter and Private Schools Report examines teacher compensation in charter and private schools for lessons to help traditional public schools draw and keep good teachers. Feb 6, 2007 Julie Kowal, Emily Ayscue Hassel, Bryan C. Hassel