
Ben Furnas


Compact View

America Without Health Care Reform Report
Cynthia Casey stands outside her home late last year talking about the costs of medical treatment for her husband. Even though the couple is using a COBRA insurance plan she obtained after she was laid off three months ago. Due to the high costs of medical treatment, she said the couple could lose their home while she searches for a job. (AP/J. Pat Carter)

America Without Health Care Reform

Without reform, our broken health care system will continue to squeeze families, businesses, doctors, the federal budget, and the economy, writes Ben Furnas.

Ben Furnas

The Bill From Bush’s Broken Energy System Report
A new oil well operates on the outskirts of Parshall, ND, in 2008. President Obama’s 2011 budget proposes to eliminate nine different tax expenditures that primarily benefit oil and gas companies. (AP/James MacPherson)

The Bill From Bush’s Broken Energy System

American families pay more now for home gas and electricity than ever before largely because of George W. Bush's backward energy policy, writes Ben Furnas.

Ben Furnas

Benefits Denied Report
Jon Van Sciver marries his longtime partner Craig Morgan at a ceremony in San Diego last summer. The couple were one of 18,000 same-sex couples who wed before California's Proposition 8 banned the marriages. (AP/Chris Park)

Benefits Denied

After paying into the system their whole lives, married same-sex couples will be denied thousands of dollars in Social Security benefits, write Ben Furnas and Josh Rosenthal.

Ben Furnas, Josh Rosenthal