
William D. Eggers


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Designing for Success In the News

Designing for Success

William Eggers, John Griffith, and Jitinder Kohli explain how to design new successful government programs.


William D. Eggers, John Griffith, Jitinder Kohli

The Secret to Programs that Work Report
More than 80 percent of Americans think the federal budget process should be reformed so that spending decisions are based on what works, according to a 2010 Center for American Progress survey. This demands more prominent consideration during the design phase about whether a new program is likely to work. (iStockphoto/Professor25)

The Secret to Programs that Work

Jitinder Kohli, William D. Eggers, and John Griffith lay out a system for designing and evaluating effective government programs.

Jitinder Kohli, William D. Eggers, John Griffith