What’s Driving up the Cost of Medicare? ReportJune 14, 2011 What’s Driving up the Cost of Medicare? Even with efficiencies that slow Medicare cost growth, taking care of a substantially larger older population will simply require spending more, write Judy Feder and Nicole Cafarella. Jun 14, 2011 Judy Feder, Nicole Cafarella
Quality Health Care Delivered Effectively and Efficiently ReportApril 29, 2011 Quality Health Care Delivered Effectively and Efficiently Nicole Cafarella examines the benefits of cost-containment initiatives supported by the Affordable Care Act. Apr 29, 2011 Nicole Cafarella
GOP Medicare Proposal Doesn’t Work Like Members of Congress’ Health Care as Republicans Claim ArticleApril 27, 2011 GOP Medicare Proposal Doesn’t Work Like Members of Congress’ Health Care as Republicans Claim House Republicans are falsely claiming that under their budget Medicare beneficiaries would get health insurance the same way as members of Congress, write Tony Carrk and Nicole Cafarella. Apr 27, 2011 Tony Carrk, Nicole Cafarella
Myth vs. Fact: Health Care Reform in Massachusetts ReportApril 13, 2011 Myth vs. Fact: Health Care Reform in Massachusetts Nicole Cafarella and Tony Carrk debunk many of the myths opponents propagate regarding Massachusetts’s experience with health care reform. Apr 13, 2011 Nicole Cafarella, Tony Carrk
The Importance of Independence ArticleMarch 21, 2011 The Importance of Independence Judy Feder and Nicole Cafarella question conservative efforts to gut this key piece of comprehensive health care reform. Mar 21, 2011 Judy Feder, Nicole Cafarella
Taking Care of Different Priorities ArticleFebruary 16, 2011 Taking Care of Different Priorities Nicole Cafarella and Karen Davenport examine the cost-reduction priorities that the Obama administration and House Republicans unveiled this week. Feb 16, 2011 Nicole Cafarella, Karen Davenport