Haiti’s Changing Tide ReportSeptember 1, 2009 Haiti’s Changing Tide Report from Reuben Brigety and Natalie Ondiak lays out a sustainable security strategy for Haiti that would initiate a virtuous circle of development in the country. Sep 1, 2009 Reuben Brigety, Natalie Ondiak
A National Strategy for Global Development ReportMay 19, 2009 A National Strategy for Global Development Reuben Brigety and Sabina Dewan offer a strategy for protecting America and our world through sustainable security. May 19, 2009 Reuben Brigety, Sabina Dewan
Striking the Appropriate Balance ArticleMarch 18, 2009 Striking the Appropriate Balance CAP Action's Reuben Brigety testifies before the U.S House Committee on Foreign Affairs on the Department of Defense's expanding role in foreign assistance. Mar 18, 2009 Reuben Brigety
Putting Aid and Trade to Work ReportDecember 12, 2008 Putting Aid and Trade to Work Sabina Dewan and Reuben Brigety discuss how to foster sustainable security with international development. Dec 12, 2008 Sabina Dewan, Reuben Brigety
Aid for the Future ArticleJuly 31, 2008 Aid for the Future CAPAF's Reuben Brigety testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the military's role in development assistance. Jul 31, 2008 Reuben Brigety
Humanity as a Weapon of War ReportJune 30, 2008 Humanity as a Weapon of War The second in a series of reports on sustainable security outlines critical elements of a successful civil-military approach to development. Jun 30, 2008 Reuben Brigety