Recommitting to the Rule of Law ArticleSeptember 16, 2008 Recommitting to the Rule of Law CAPAF's Mark Agrast testifies to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution about how to restore the rule of law after eight years of the Bush administration. Sep 16, 2008 Mark Agrast
Unwarranted: New Domestic Spying Legislation Fails to Restore Judicial Safeguards ArticleJune 20, 2008 Unwarranted: New Domestic Spying Legislation Fails to Restore Judicial Safeguards Congressional compromise will lead to the enactment of a flawed bill that fails to protect American liberties, writes Mark Agrast. Jun 20, 2008 Mark Agrast
Supreme Court Strikes a Blow for Liberty ArticleJune 12, 2008 Supreme Court Strikes a Blow for Liberty Today’s decision in Boumediene v. Bush has reaffirmed one of the most ancient rights known to our civilization, writes Mark Agrast. Jun 12, 2008 Mark Agrast
Endgame ArticleMarch 14, 2008 Endgame Mark Agrast writes that House leaders have proposed a responsible compromise on intelligence surveillance. Again. Mar 14, 2008 Mark Agrast
Playing Politics with Intelligence: Bush Puts Security at Risk ArticleJanuary 29, 2008 Playing Politics with Intelligence: Bush Puts Security at Risk Congress should be able to extend the Protect America Act until a more measured and responsible alternative can be put in place, writes Mark Agrast. Jan 29, 2008 Mark Agrast
Ending Torture: CIA Tapes Spur House Action ArticleDecember 13, 2007 Ending Torture: CIA Tapes Spur House Action The House of Representatives passes comprehensive torture ban after CIA tape scandal. The Senate must follow swiftly, writes Mark Agrast. Dec 13, 2007 Mark Agrast
Not the Right Choice ArticleOctober 31, 2007 Not the Right Choice Mark Agrast on why Mukasey is not the right choice for attorney general. Oct 31, 2007 Mark Agrast
Restoring Our Liberties: New Surveillance Bill Would Begin to Restore Checks and Balances ArticleOctober 10, 2007 Restoring Our Liberties: New Surveillance Bill Would Begin to Restore Checks and Balances Mark D. Agrast details why new surveillance legislation on Capitol Hill would better protect both civil liberties and national security. Oct 10, 2007 Mark Agrast
Evaluating Bush’s Pick for Attorney General ArticleSeptember 17, 2007 Evaluating Bush’s Pick for Attorney General Mark Agrast argues that the Senate must carefully consider whether Bush's pick for attorney general will restore integrity to the Justice Department. Sep 17, 2007 Mark Agrast
The Department of Justice and the American People Deserve a Break ArticleAugust 27, 2007 The Department of Justice and the American People Deserve a Break Mark Agrast on why we need more than just a change in leadership to repair the damage done during Gonzales' tenure. Aug 27, 2007 Mark Agrast
Over-Classified and Pseudo-Classified ArticleJune 28, 2007 Over-Classified and Pseudo-Classified Agrast testifies to Congress on making the DHS the gold standard for designating classified and sensitive information. Jun 28, 2007 Mark Agrast
Reining in Warrantless Searches ArticleMarch 9, 2007 Reining in Warrantless Searches Mark Agrast and Peter Swire detail why Congress should provide reasonable limits to warrantless searches by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mar 9, 2007 Mark Agrast, Peter Swire
Prosecutors and Politicians ArticleJanuary 18, 2007 Prosecutors and Politicians CAP's Mark Agrast questions motives behind forced resignations and the method of doing so. Jan 18, 2007 Mark Agrast
A Switch in Time ArticleJanuary 18, 2007 A Switch in Time CAP's Mark Agrast applauds Bush's timely if also tactical retreat, but urges the Senate to examine the details. Jan 18, 2007 Mark Agrast
A Travesty ArticleSeptember 29, 2006 A Travesty Legislation destined for Bush today is an assault on the rule of law, an affront to American values, and a danger to our troops. Sep 29, 2006 Mark Agrast
Shredding the Fourth Amendment ArticleSeptember 29, 2006 Shredding the Fourth Amendment "Modernization Act" needlessly infringes rights of average Americans and does not make us safer. Sep 29, 2006 Mark Agrast
Opposition to Dangerous Detainee Bill Grows ArticleSeptember 21, 2006 Opposition to Dangerous Detainee Bill Grows President claims his bill is necessary to "clarify" the rules for interrogations and protect classified information. Both claims are spurious. Sep 21, 2006 Mark Agrast
Fact-Checking the President’s Statement on the Marriage Amendment ArticleJune 5, 2006 Fact-Checking the President’s Statement on the Marriage Amendment Jun 5, 2006 Mark Agrast, Sam Berger, Brodie Butland
NSA Domestic Warrantless Wiretapping and the “Trust Me” President ArticleFebruary 2, 2006 NSA Domestic Warrantless Wiretapping and the “Trust Me” President Feb 2, 2006 Mark Agrast, Ken Gude
Extend the PATRIOT Act to Improve It ArticleDecember 22, 2005 Extend the PATRIOT Act to Improve It Dec 22, 2005 Peter Swire, Mark Agrast
Time to Stop Playing Politics with the Patriot Act ArticleDecember 16, 2005 Time to Stop Playing Politics with the Patriot Act Dec 16, 2005 Mark Agrast, Peter Swire
Statement On the McCain Anti-Torture Amendment ArticleDecember 15, 2005 Statement On the McCain Anti-Torture Amendment Dec 15, 2005 Mark Agrast, Ken Gude