While the importance of garnering the support of women is a dominant and frequent theme in political discourse, there exists a significant disconnect between our nation’s public policies and the steps needed to ensure women and families gain economic vitality and stability in the coming years. Policy stagnation at the federal level has led to a critical need for action through state and local policymakers.
State legislators are uniquely positioned to advance a family economic opportunity agenda and make real progress in their states by ensuring equal pay, access to paid sick days and paid family leave, and improving access to affordable, quality child care.
Join our October 13 webinar to learn about a new network of state legislators fighting to give women and families a fair shot, and how to get involved. In addition to hearing about innovative resources and effective messaging, we will discuss public opinion research, best practices, and shared obstacles. Working together, we can use this new platform to unite around the need to move family economic security policies forward on the state level, with you and fellow legislators leading the effort.