Center for American Progress

: U.S. Policy in the Middle East on the Eve of President Obama’s Trip
Past Event

U.S. Policy in the Middle East on the Eve of President Obama’s Trip

Read Sandy Berger's remarks (PDF)

On March 20 President Barack Obama will arrive in Israel in the first part of a regional visit that includes the West Bank and Jordan. The president’s trip to the region comes at a time of change in Israel and the region. On his upcoming trip, President Obama will face a full slate of challenges and opportunities, including concerns over Egypt's continued political transition, Syria’s civil war, the unresolved Arab-Israeli conflict, and the threats posed by Iran.

Please join the Center for American Progress for a keynote speech by Sandy Berger, chair at the Albright Stonebridge Group and former national security advisor to President Bill Clinton, previewing President Obama’s trip to Israel and the regional challenges that face him there. Following his keynote speech, Berger will join a panel discussion with Rudy deLeon, Senior Vice President for National Security and International Policy at CAP and former deputy secretary of defense, who just returned from a CAP delegation to Israel and the West Bank; Martin Indyk, vice president and director of foreign policy at Brookings and former assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs; and Bruce Jentleson, professor of public policy and political science at Duke University and an expert on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

As part of this event, the Center for American Progress will release findings from a report based on discussions with Israeli and Palestinian officials during a recent visit to the region by members of the National Security and International Policy team.

Keynote address:
Sandy Berger, Chair, Albright Stonebridge Group; former National Security Advisor

Distinguished panelists:

Rudy deLeon, Senior Vice President for National Security and International Policy, Center for American Progress

Martin Indyk, Vice President and Director of Foreign Policy, Brookings Institution

Bruce Jentleson, Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, Duke University

Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress