Center for American Progress

: The Status of American Conservation in 2012
Past Event

The Status of American Conservation in 2012

12:30 - 2:00 PM EDT

See also: Video Series: Public Lands, Private Profits by Andrew Satter, Jessica Goad, Tom Kenworthy, and Christy Goldfuss

Federal public lands are managed by the government on behalf of all Americans. Some of the country’s best places like Yellowstone National Park and Muir Woods National Monument have already been preserved for future generations to enjoy, but others remain without protection.

CAP will premiere a series of mini-documentaries about three areas held in the public trust that raise questions about where industrial development of our lands may take place, and where it is not appropriate.

Participants in this event will discuss how conservation fits into an overall progressive approach to land management and how Congress, President Barack Obama, and the next administration can work to make sure that our matchless American icons are truly protected from development and managed for values like hunting and fishing, recreation, clean air, and clean water.

To submit questions via Twitter, use #conservation2012

Welcoming remarks:
Christy Goldfuss, Director, Public Lands Project, Center for American Progress

Documentary video series premiere:
Public Lands, Private Profits

Featured panelists:
Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club
John Podesta, Chair, Center for American Progress

Moderated by:
Tom Perriello, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for American Progress Action Fund