Past Event

The REAL Values Voter

What Voters Valued in the 2006 Election

12:30 - 2:00 PM EST

From immigration, stem cells, and corruption to paychecks and war, the issues voters cared about in the midterm election reflect deeply held values far beyond those promoted by right-wing conservatives. On November 7, voters sent a strong message for change in domestic and international policies and for government that is ethical and accountable.

What do the midterm elections tell us about the concerns and hopes of the country? Do we remain a deeply divided, polarized nation? What role did faith communities play? Please join our distinguished panel of experts for a provocative, enlightening conversation on 2006 and beyond.

David Kuo’s Tempting Faith: A Inside Story of Political Seduction and Jonathan Miller’s The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America will be available for purchase.

Featured Panelists:
Reverend Timothy C. Ahrens, Senior Minister, First Church, Columbus, Ohio, and a founding member of We Believe, Ohio 
Anna Greenberg, Vice President, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner
David Kuo, former Deputy Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and author of Tempting Faith: A Inside Story of Political Seduction
Jonathan Miller, Treasurer of the State of Kentucky and author of The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America
Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Moderated by:
Melody Barnes, Executive Vice President for Policy, Center for American Progress