Against the backdrop of slowing U.S. economic growth, rapid changes in the world economy, and ongoing public ambivalence regarding the benefits of globalization, some have called for a strategic review, or pause for reflection, with respect to U.S. international economic policy. Looking at trade as well as development and monetary policy, a distinguished panel of experts will discuss the possible future direction of U.S. policy in a new administration.
Please join us for this stimulating discussion stemming from "Virtuous Circle: Strengthening Broad-Based Global Progress in Living Standards," a recent report by Mr. Samans and Jonathan Jacoby as part of CAP’s Progressive Growth series on the next administration’s economic policy. "Virtuous Circle" – and a link to other Progressive Growth reports – can be found here.

Opening Remarks:
Sarah Wartell, Executive Vice President, Center for American Progress
Presentation by:
Richard Samans, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; Managing Director, World Economic Forum
Tim Adams, Managing Director, The Lindsey Group; former Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
Ron Blackwell, Chief Economist, AFL-CIO
Gene Sperling, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; Director, Center for Universal Education, Council on Foreign Relations
Moderated by:
Bruce Stokes, International Economics Columnist, National Journal