Dear White People is a satire/drama that follows the stories of four black students at a fictional Ivy League college where a riot breaks out over a popular African-American-themed party thrown by white students. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the film explores racial identity in a post-racial American while weaving a universal story of forging one’s unique path in the world.
The Center for American Progress is co-sponsoring this screening with the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, The Thurgood Marshall College Fund, and Politini.
Justin Simien, director, Dear White People
Dr. Rhea Combs, Ph.D., film and photography curator, National Museum of African American History and Culture
Aisha Moodie-Mills, Senior Fellow and Director, FIRE Initiative, Center for American Progress
Danielle Moodie-Mills, Advisor, LGBT Policy and Racial Justice, Center for American Progress